#/*=========================================================================* # * File : bibtex.template # * # * Author : Pallav Gupta # * Created : Sun Aug 24 21:27:30 2003 # * # * Description : This file is read by bibtex.pl to initialize its bibtex # * entry fields. The syntax is as follows: # * # * <bibtex-entry-type>; field1, field2, field3,...; <shortcut command> # * # * This source code can be redistributed under the GNU Free Public Licence. # *=========================================================================*/ # # /* $Id: bibtex.template,v 1.1 2003/08/25 03:31:55 pgupta Exp $ */ # This is what I use for my work (IEEE publications). I use IEEEtran by Michael Shell # It is a great piece of work and easy to use to do IEEE work. His bibtex formatter is # also excellent! # NOTE: Please make sure that the <shortcut command> is UNIQUE for each entry type # Although I should check for this in my script, I'll leave it for you to ensure this. # Article in a journal article; author, title, journal, volume, number, pages, month, year; a # Book book; author, title, address, publisher, year; b # Conference Proceeding inproceedings; author, title, booktitle, pages, month, year; i # Master Thesis masterthesis; author, title, school, year; m # Phd Thesis phdthesis; author, title, school, year; p # Tech Report techreport; author, title, institution, year; t # Miscellaneous misc; title, url; mi