|                                  twelvept                                   |
Abbreviation:  �|none�%
Parameters:    �|none�%
There are  two default \selectfontsets  established when you  format a TEXT1
file:  \twelvept for the  12 point size Computer Modern serif typestyle; and
\tenpt for the 10 point Computer Modern serif typestyle.
    The  font set includes the following nine faces, each of which is called
by  adding a  backslash in  front of  the name,  or using  the abbreviation:
\roman (\rm),  \bold (\bd), \italic  (\it), \typewriter  (\tt), \caps (\cc),
\mathitalic (\mi), \symbol (\sy), \extension (\ex), and \bolditalic (\bi).
Consider this example for switching from 12 point to a 10 point size.
\centerline{\twelvept\bd Sociogeology}
\centerline{\it by Achilles Chert}
"Does the absurd dictate death?" asks Albert Camus,
|                                                                             |
|                                Sociogeology                                 |
|                              by Achilles Chert                              |
|     "Does the absurd dictate death?"  asks Albert Camus,                    |
|                                                                             |
There  are some  markup,  such  as \tableformat,  \runningheadformat,  \run-
ningfootformat,  \chapterformat, \partformat  and the other  heading markup.
If  you  want to  use  another  12  point font  set  (like  Plantin) as  the
default instead  of Computer Modern, you  must give that set  the same name,