+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | hbox | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Abbreviation: �|none�% Parameters: �|horizontal mode text�% �|Description:�% The \hbox is a TEX markup which, among several uses, can be used to keep a word together, preventing hyphenations. For example, \hbox{low-cut} would prohibit hyphenation of "low-cut". It can also be used in math mode to switch to the roman font. For example, @x^{34}+\hbox{lower order terms}@ prints as: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | x[34]+lower order terms | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ �|Notes:�% You cannot use \autoendnote, \autofootnote, or \footnote within an \hbox. You can also specify an \hbox to take up a certain size. For example, \hbox to 1in{} would create a box one inch wide. Refer to the discussion of \leader for more on this option of \hbox. For more on this markup refer to The TEXbook.