%% This file is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
%% License from CTAN archives in directory  macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
%% Either version 1.3 or, at your option, any later version.
% Copyright 2018-2025 Herbert Voss    <hvoss@tug.org>
%                     Rolf Niepraschk <Rolf.Niepraschk@gmx.de>
\ProvidesPackage{xltabular}[2025/02/28 v0.2i `xltabular' package (hv,RN)]
\keepXColumns% xltabular behaves like tabularx
\newif\ifXLT@normalPB \XLT@normalPBtrue

%% Redefine it for tagging %%
	{\@spaces Table Width\@spaces Column Width\@spaces X Columns}%
	% define \endhead, etc. to be \\ so that in this part
	% of the process they are just rows
	\def\caption{% RN, 2014/08/13
	\SuspendTagging {tabularx}%<-------------------------------
	\TX@trial{\def\NC@rewrite@X{\NC@find l}}
			\global\advance\TX@cols\@ne\NC@find p{\TX@col@width}}}%
	\ResumeTagging {tabularx}%<----------------------------
		% we may as well set \LTchunksize to be \maxdimen as the whole
		% thing is already in memory anyway so we may as well do it in one
		% chunk. if it is too big for one chunk we are already dead..
		% restore \endhead, etc.

% prevents problematic behavior of longtable at page breaks (\XLT@normalPBfalse)
\patchcmd{\LT@start}{\vfil \break}{\ifXLT@normalPB \vfil \break \fi}{}{}
\patchcmd{\LT@start}{\penalty \z@}{\ifXLT@normalPB \penalty \z@ \fi}{}{}

% restore original tabularx

% define a new tabularx like the one from "ltablex"
  \if l#1%
    \LTleft\z@ \LTright\fill
  \else\if r#1%
    \LTleft\fill \LTright\z@
  \else\if c#1%
    \LTleft\fill \LTright\fill

\providecommand*\LTcaptype{table}% support of package "caption"
%  \ifXLT@HypRef
%    % revert to the unpatched version if \caption is not used
%    \global\let\LT@start=\XLT@LT@start
%  \fi
%  \XLT@longtable

%% End of file `xltabular.sty'.