2014-12-01  Andy Buckley  <andy.buckley@cern.ch>

	* Tag as version 2.0 for CTAN release, for use with hepparticles 2.0.

2014-07-08  Andy Buckley  <andy.buckley@cern.ch>

	* Fix to \PgD definition, which was for some reason overwritten
	and meant that all Delta baryons were written as E^0!! Thanks to
	David Fokkema for the bug report.

	* Improvements to mkmacrotables: \PSB is now entered properly, and
	there are sf variants of all the displayed contexts.

	* Removing itforce, maybess, noss options: not used in latest hepparticles.

	* Removing package name macros -- pointless and namespace-corrupting.

2013-10-05  Andy Buckley  <andy.buckley@cern.ch>

	* Tag as version 1.7 for CTAN release.

	* Improvements to the Makefile, etc.

2013-07-19  Andy Buckley  <andy.buckley@cern.ch>

	* Fix the option passing from hepnames and hepnicenames to
	heppennames and beyond. The problem was just in the relative
	ordering of option parsing and package loading...

	* Improving and fixing the macro dump script: macro docs are now
	written out in three forms, including a version which tests the
	[italic] option.

2011-09-04  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Fixing rendering of \PgXz / \PXizero to not have an
	anti-particle bar over the symbol.

2009-10-30  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Adding code \Pgamma and codes \Pggx = \Pgammastar =
	\Pphotonx (for off-shell photons).

2009-10-02  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Adding codes \PSgaugino and \PSslepton.

2009-04-01  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Adding codes \Pf, \Pfermion, etc. for representing generic

2009-03-11  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Added \PBst/\PBstar, \PDelta and \Pchic.

2008-03-01  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Added \APpositron and \eplus, \eminus synonyms.

2006-09-01  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Added \usepackage{color} to mkmacrotables output which stops the
	word "red" from appearing in the PDF output!

	* Corrected \APtruth to show correct symbol (thanks to Michael

2006-03-21  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Added superscript zero to the Z0 in the documentation (in the
	line where I explicitly reference the superscript, oops!)

2006-02-23  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Ready for 1.3 release (the two packages have had their version
	numbers synchronised for convenience)

	* Added bino, B boson and extended the SUSY particles and charged

	* Added proper build scripts and documentation

2006-01-20  Andy Buckley  <andy@insectnation.org>

	* Added the \(A)Pbeauty and \(A)Ptruth synonyms for \(A)Pbottom
	and \(A)Ptop to nicenames

2005-08-19  Andy Buckley  <andy.buckley@durham.ac.uk>

	* Added D-star entries: \PDst to PENnames and \PDstar to nicenames.

2005-07-28  Andy Buckley  <andy.buckley@durham.ac.uk>

	* Added dependency on hepparticles 1.6 (PDF bookmark bug fix).

2005-07-08  Andy Buckley  <andy.buckley@durham.ac.uk>

	* Added Ds meson: \PsD in PENnames / \PDs in nicenames.
	* Added rho mesons: \Prho etc. in nicenames.