Changelog for version 2.1a
- Fix an error in documentation, which was mistakenly typeset with Italian
- Correct the discrepency in license references between README and manual.

Changelog for version 2.1
- Improved documentation, recreating more than 200 examples from an appendix 
  of the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook (2021).
- Added support for @dataset, @performance, and @software entrytypes.
- Added internal counter for delaying certain elements of multivolume books, 
  along with a three-way option toggle (auto, true, false) for bibliography and 
  entry. The MLA allows for a few different ways to display the information for 
  a multivolume set when citing a book from that set, whether displaying it 
  alongside the book information or delaying it for an additional container. 
  With the default "containerized=auto" setting, biblatex-mla tries to choose a 
  method based on the number of fields defined, but setting the option to 
  "true" or "false" will force the behavior for an entry. 
- Substantially updated the display of audiovisual sources. Among other things, 
  new entry options "uniquenamea", "uniquenameb", and "uniquenamec=true" allow 
  for the indication that the namea, nameb, or namec field should apply to an 
  individual work, rather than to a larger collection in which it is included. 
  This option makes it possible to show, for instance, that the director of a 
  single episode of a TV show is not responsible for the whole series.
- Changed the display of numeric ranges in pages and some dates to match MLA 
  guidelines, compressing them accordingly: 250-258 now displays as 250-58, 
  dropping the redundant hundreds digit; additionally, 101-108 displays as 
  101-08, deliberately retaining leading zeroes. FIXME: This feature is not yet 
  correctly applied to some date ranges, as for the eventdate field.
- Added pluralization to number marker, showing "nos. 3-4" instead of "no. 3-4."
- Added missing support for subtitles in some entry types.
- Added "website" entrysubtype to @online entries to display a title in 
- Added datebrackets entry option to support showing date as something added.
- Fixed some repeating fields.
- Fixed the format of some titles presented with \citetitle differing from how 
  they're shown in citations.
- Fixed the ordering of name suffixes like "Jr" in the bibliography.
- In citations, support the "totalnames" entry option to allow citations to 
  match bibliography entries beyond the typical maximum number.
- In the bibliography, print only the last name of book editor / book translator 
  who is also the author of the entry (e.g., an editor's foreword).
- Added support for named issues of periodicals that aren't special issues 
  (e.g., for comic books).
- Added support for automatic combining of editor and translator without needing 
  to call the editor before the translator and without needing to set 
  "editortype = {editortr}".
- Defined revsdnamedelim as comma and improved spacing around slash when 
  crediting multiple publishers.
- Added context shifting for comma before et al: When names are "Last, First" 
  the phrase should now be preceded by a comma, and when names are "First Last" 
  it should not be.
- Added support for including a url in a book entry.
- Fixed placement of named series.
- Uodated the bibstrings for English, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. (The 
  non-English strings should still be verified by someone with knowledge of these 
  languages.) By default, Biblatex-mla adopts the unabbreviated bibstrings 
  provided by Biblatex. A number of bibstrings have been newly added or modified 
  in this release where needed. See the english-mla.lbx file for details of 
  additions and changes.
- BREAKING: @video and @movie are no longer aliases for each other. The first of 
  these is now reserved for shorter videos with titles that should be placed in 
  quotation marks (e.g., a YouTube video or a TV episode), while the latter is 
  reserved for works with titles that belong in italics (e.g., a feature-length 
- BREAKING: Dropped styling for @proceedings titles. Define the "booktitle" 
  field for @proceedings published as books.

Changelog for version 2.0
- changes for compatibility with the 9th edition of the MLA handbook, which is 
  very similar to that of the 8th edition; call "style=mla" to use the new 
- renamed support for the older 7th edition; use "style=mla7" to use that older 
- the new "style=mla-strict" option bypasses attempted intelligence in source 
  mapping first added in version 1.9
- added additional source mappings to match MLA style 
- support added for a new containerized entrytype @mlasource to match the MLA 
- support added for @manual, @misc, @movie, @patent, and @report entrytypes
- by default, the bibliography now uses em-dashes instead of hyphens for
  repeated author names
- new "longdash=false" package option reverts from em-dash to hyphens for
  repeated author names in the bibliography
- new "showlocation" package option and entry option override the default of
  omitting publisher locations
- change in function of "totalnames" entry option; now, the number of names in
  a citation will match the bibliographic entry
- added default support for "datecirca"; use a tilde after a date to indicate
- fixed errors in code to make biblatex-mla work with the current version of
  Biblatex, especially with dates
- fixed presentation of multi-volume books
- fixed problems in presentation of the titleaddon field to accommodate more
  use cases
- improved support for untitled works and works with unformatted titles
- removed confusing logic of ibid citations with prenotes
- corrected styling of titles in citations for @bookinbook, @inbook, @mvbook,
  and @online entries
- fixed multiple citation errors using simpler, suggested code from moewe
- added booktitle in citations when title undefined
- updated localizations for Spanish and Portuguese
- improved documentation

Changelog for version 1.9
- changes for compatibility with the latest MLA edition; use "style=mla-new" to
  change the Works Cited to the new style
- added support for some common biblatex-chicago citation commands
  (\headlesscite, \textcite, etc.)
- added preliminary support for new entry types (@artwork, @audio, @image,
  @letter, @music)
- added style intelligence with source mapping:
    * the word "University" in publisher names will automatically shorten to "U"
    * the word "Press" in publisher names will automatically shorten to "P"
    * the phrase "University Press" in publisher names will automatically
	  shorten to "UP"
    * certain words in publisher names--including "Company," "Corporation,"
	  "Incorporated", "Limited," and their respective abbreviations--will not
	  be printed
    * if an entry includes a URL pointing to a number of eprint
	  domains--including include JSTOR, Project Muse, Adelaide Online Books,
	  Google Books, EBSCO Academic Search Complete, EBSCO LexisNexis, and the
	  EBSCO MLA Database--biblatex-mla will correctly reformat it as an eprint
    * if an entry includes a URL pointing to a doi server, biblatex-mla will
	  correctly reformat it as an doi reference

Changelog for version 1.6
- changes for compatibility with Biblatex 3.3+
- changed behavior of "mancitepar", which now defaults to false
- fixed buggy repetition of series field (hopefully)
- an upcoming version will provide support for more entrytypes and reflect
  changes made in the 2016 MLA handbook

Changelog for version 1.5:
- changes for compatibility with Biblatex 2.5
- added entrytypes @online, @inbook, @bookinbook
- updated entrytypes @video, @review
- added epprinttype "jstor"
- added package options "noremoteinfo" and "mancitepar" 
- added hyperref linking to "Web" bibstring
- quashed lingering spacing errors, improved bibnamedash, and improved handling
  of starred autocites
- improved documentation, examples

Changelog for version 0.9.5:
- changes for compatibility with Biblatex 1.0
- further support for latest MLA edition (now default); use "showmedium=false" 
  package option to revert
- added Italian localization (from Andrea Marchitelli)
- new entry option "nodate" to trigger display of MLA-style "n.d."
- added support and MLA formatting for eprint sources from Project Muse (using
  "muse" as eprinttype); in the eprint field, include the full URL to the
- preliminary conversion of documentation to Philipp Lehman's ltxdockit, as 
  previous documentation files were lost

Changelog for version 0.9:
- many changes for compatibility with Biblatex v.0.9
- introduced support for style from latest MLA edition (this was a major 
- new "print", "web", and "generaleditor" bibstrings
- formatting for eprint sources from JSTOR and Google Books, as already 
  included in Biblatex
- support and formatting for eprint sources from eBooks@Adelaide (using 
  "adelaide" as eprinttype); in the eprint field, include the full URL to the
- new package options "showmedium" and "guessmedium" for updated MLA support
- improved support for reprints
- improved support for multivolume entries, including change from using 
  origyear field to using eventdate field, and added support for general 
  editor as "generaleditor" editortype
- converted proceedings to use eventdate field

Changelog for version 0.8.1:
- did nothing but make 0.8 beta final to upgrade CTAN

Changelog for version 0.8 beta:
- added further examples from the MLA Handbook (6th edition). Almost all of
  the non-periodical examples in section 5.6.x (and many of the periodical
  examples in 5.7.x) contained therein can now be successfully re-created
  using biblatex-mla.
- nameaddon and authortype behavior standardized across entrytypes
- added bookauthor support for suppcollection and suppbook
- significantly improved handling of multivolume works
- further improved handling of "et al." There should now be a comma before 
  "et al." only in reversed (last-first) naming schemes. Standard (first-last)
  schemes and last-name only schemes will omit the comma.
- improved support for maintitle
- improved presentation of title in conference proceeding, where title ends in
  an abbreviation dot
- added preliminary support for "generaleditor" editortype in the language
  (lbx) files
- added preliminary support for "volstodate" string in the language (lbx)
  files, theoretically to be used when indicating total volume numbers of
  multi-volume works with open-ranged years
- added title format for reference books
- removed extra leading space before nameaddon brackets
- added support for formatting of open-ranged years (as suggested by 
  Philipp Lehman)
- added support for limiting remote info, using methods similar to
- added totalnames support for translator field
- re-added hyperref support mistakenly disabled in version 0.7
- fixed many citereset problems (while potentially introducing others...)
- many citation macros tidied and future-proofed
- footnote presentation considerably more stable

Changelog for version 0.7 final:
- added examples from the MLA Handbook (6th edition)
- added support for origlocation, origpublisher, origtitle, and origlanguage
  to allow for reprints and translations. Biblatex-mla only uses the
  origlanguage field to trigger the use of \bibstring{transof} in place of
  \bibstring{reprintof} for reprinted articles and will not actually print the
  contents of the origlanguage field.
- re-added support for translators in articles (mistakenly lost in 0.6)
- added localization and bibstrings for "bytypecompilerandeditor" and
  "transof" (in addition to "typecompilerandeditor")
- significantly improved footnote support, bringing it inline with support for
  entries in the bibliography. This work is currently in progress, but non-
  periodical entries should be fully supported.
- in addition to Spanish and Portuguese localizations (contributed by Ivan
  Fernandez and Paulo Ferreira, respectively) and existing American
  localizations, version 0.7 is also compatible with non-American English
  dialects for localized punctuation patterns. In your preamble, call Babel
  with the language of your choice: british, canadian, australian, spanish,
  and american should all work equally well (though some newer bibstrings
  remain untranslated in Spanish). Portuguese support is not yet included with

Changelog for version 0.7 beta:
- added partial support for @suppbook, @suppcollection
- made style definitions independent from sample Biblatex style files
- segregated localizations into external .lbx files
- added comma before name affixes
- added test for comma before "et al.": negative in citations, positive in
  list of Works Cited
- added test for colon before subtitle, returning negative after terminal
  punctuation (such as exclamation point, question mark)
- added "totalnames" entry option for listing all authors and editors in the
  list of Works Cited for a particular entry
- added "uniquetranslator" entry option, used for an @incollection entry with
  its own translator not shared with the rest of the collection
- slightly changed default name dash in Works Cited
- added support for year editions for @inreference works
- improved logic of @video macro
- added support for "eds." before title when editors are plural
- renamed "strict" package option to "footnoterulestrict"
- added draft mode style helper for multiple citations
- added "mladraft" package option for calling style helper outside of draft
- added localization for "typecompilerandeditor" editortype

Changelog for version 0.6.1:
- IMPORTANT CHANGE: because of difficulties formatting articles without volume
  numbers as newspaper articles, I've had to regress that option sooner than I
  expected. Updated bibtex files by adding the entrysubtype field and setting
  it to "newspaper" or "magazine". Article entries with undefined volume
  fields are now formatted as journal articles without any volume numbers (as
  one might have expected biblatex-mla to have done all along...)
- updated documentation for the above change; added link for installing
  Biblatex from CTAN in installation instructions
- fixed bugs with spacing, problems with spurious punctuation in Reviews, and
  some other minor things
- updated footnote internal macros to use native quotation marks and
  punctuation nesting, thereby fully regressing mkbibquotepunct command
- added "strict" package option after biblatex-chicago-notes-df; feature is
  undocumented for now

Changelog for version 0.6:
- native support for biblatex-, csquote-, and babel-empowered American-style
  punctuation and double quotation marks added in biblatex 0.8 (footnotes not
  yet updated)
- add support for @unpublished, @proceedings, @inproceedings, @periodical
- add support for published theses
- standardized .bib file keys, strings, fields across entrytypes
- improve minor presentation errors, including misplaced comma before "et al,"
  the size of the name dash in Works Cited (to match that in the Style Manual
  more closely (redefine \mlanamedash to change)), and other things
- simplified and made many internal macros less hack-y and more localizable
- defined many new bibliography strings and redefined existing ones
- commented out issn, isbn, doi, and similar fields as a temporary fix
- allow idem after shorthands in citations
- improved presentation of dates, dropping opening zero
- added support for articles in special issues of journals
- added support for annotated bibliographies using the "annotation" option
- improved support/presentation for subtitles
- usetranslator entry-option now stable, uses native biblatex support
- improved documentation
- add support for nameaddon

Changelog for version 0.5 (final):
- introduction of firstlonghand and nofullnote package options
- changed approach of shorthand citations, defaulting to a "longhand" citation
  for the first citation
- introduction of usetranslator entry option
- fixed more stupid errors
- added support for video and booklet entrytypes
- added hyperlinks for citations with only page numbers
- added better support for useauthor and useeditor entry options
- added location to newspaper articles
- added edition ("version") to newspaper articles (ie, late, national,
  morning, etc.)
- added Spanish localization by Ivan Fernandez

Changelog for version 0.5 (beta):
- introduction of MLA-style footnote citation support
- fixed many more stupid errors (made since the beginning)
- added support for book reviews and reference articles (use "review"
  entrytype and "inreference" entrytype, respectively)
- tidied stylistic problems including erroneous punctuation before URLs
  (pointed out by Stephen Brumbaugh), stray spaces, a few doubled
  punctuations, etc.
- added support for anonymous incollection works (for example, "Beowulf" in an
  English literature anthology shouldn't by default be referenced by the
  editor of that anthology)
- added support for single-author collections (for example, a single poet's
  Collected Poems, with or without a named editor)
- preliminary support for "video" entrytype
- a few other things I'm forgetting

Changelog for version 0.4:
- proper MLA-style crossref support (though Philipp Lehmann's warnings of the
  dangers of crossrefs in Bibtex files still hold: the parent will overwrite
  anything undefined in the child, like Title and Author)
- fixed many stupid errors (made when converting to biblatex 0.7 in version
- introduced logic for idems, ibids, and prenotes (reduces chances of prenotes
  and ibids obscuring the actual author's name)
- changed style name to biblatex-mla to fit in with everything else being
- fixed compatibility with tex4ht (documents made with biblatex-mla can now be
  converted to OpenOffice format easily)
- added support for Newspaper articles (use "article" type, set no volume and
  no issue number)
- added access dates for online articles
- got rid of a couple stray periods lurking in some places.
- defined \fullcite command to provide examples of bibliographic citations (as
  seen in the new samples page)
- added samples page

Changelog for version 0.3:
- updated for compatibility to biblatex 0.7
- incorporated improvements made by Jay Savage regarding URL presentation in
  Works Cited and the handling of edited books lacking authors
- added support for the starred variants of \cite* and \autocite* for citing
  titles when the author is already named in the sentence (e.g., "Joyce says
  many fine things (Ulysses 34)," written as "Joyce says many fine things
  \autocite*[34]{citekey}"). This variation will basically just force skip the
  author's name in a citation. If it's an author with multiple titles in the
  Works Cited, it will list the title and page; otherwise it will list just
  the page.
- added functionality to use first name initials to differentiate among common
  surnames (option uniquename=init made available in biblatex 0.7) in
- added localizations for "Ed. and trans.," etc. I'm not sure how accurate
  these are yet, but it at least lets us have nicer Works Cited lists. You'll
  see this change when works have a single person responsible for any
  combination of editing, translating, introducing, annotating, or providing
  commentary, forewards, or afterwards. With this change, the person is listed
  only once, with the appropriate words before the name.
- restyled the URL font in the Works Cited to be the same as the rest of the
  documents (as suggested by Jay Savage)
- added support for \cite (same as \autocite) to be more supportive to
  existing programs that assume cite as the command used for references and to
  make conversion easier for newcomers who've already been using \cite
- improved idem handling with boolean triggers
- cleaned up macro names to make them easier to follow