glossaries change log: v4.57 (2025-03-12) * glossaries.sty - corrections with the integration of datatool and \printnoidxglossary - \printnoidxglossary rewritten to work better with tabular-like glossary styles v4.56 (2025-03-03) * glossaries.sty: - corrections to \printnoidxglossary when used with datatool v3.0+ v4.55 (2024-11-01): * glossaries.sty: - automake: added check for TEXMF_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY if kernel supports it - updated sorting for "noidx" method to use new datatool v3.0+ commands, if available - added "locales" as a synonym of "languages" package option. - bug fix: added check for empty value in see field v4.54 (2024-04-03): * glossaries.sty: - added check for \l_datatool_measure_hook_tl (provided by datatool v3.0+) - added: \glsdohyperlinkhook \glsdohypertargethook \glslabelhypertarget \glslabelhypertargetprefix \glslabelhypertargetdefs \glslabelhypertargetvalue - removed MFU mappings for expandable commands like \glsentryname see issue #271: - bug fix: v4.53 (2023-09-29): * added test file example-glossaries-utf8.tex * glossary-hypernav.sty: - reimplemented internal hypergroup lists as LaTeX3 sequences - fixed bug "Duplicate entries in navigation menu of custom glossaries" (NB This also requires an update to glossaries-extra v1.53 if that package is required) v4.52 (2022-11-03): * glossaries.sty: - corrected spelling of \@ne v4.51 (2022-11-02): * glossaries.sty: - indexing and unset/reset disabled during measuring - added \glsmeasurewidth, \glsmeasureheight and \glsifmeasuring - switched to \TrackIfKnownLanguage for the languages identified in "languages" option - added test file example-glossaries-user.tex - bug fix #215 (automake doesn't work) v4.50 (2022-10-14): * glossaries.sty: - Case-changing support now tries to detect the new mfirstuc.sty v2.08 commands. If available: - exclusions, blockers and mappings will be established for \makefirstuc. - \mfirstucMakeUppercase won't be redefined (since it will now be using \text_uppercase:n instead of \MakeUppercase) - textcase.sty (which is now deprecated) won't be loaded. All the functionality of textcase is now pre-provided with recent LaTeX kernels. If an older version of mfirstuc is present, textcase will be loaded and the old limitations of \makefirstuc will still apply (most notably, the requirement to group any leading UTF-8 character). For the best support, ensure you have mfirstuc v2.08 and glossaries-extra v1.49 when they become available. - new command \glssentencecase used for sentence-casing. Default definition uses \makefirstuc but may be redefined to use \MFUsentencecase if preferred. - \glsentrytitlecase, \Glsentryname etc now expand to sentence case in PDF bookmarks - new package option mfirstuc implements expanded/unexpanded options provided by mfirstuc v2.08+ - new commands \glslowercase and \glsuppercase - The default setting for esclocations and \ifglswrallowprimitivemods is now false. If a document requiring xindy has locations that expand to robust commands you may need to switch these on or see the "Problematic Locations" section of the user manual. - new commands used by \glshypernumber: \glswrglosslocationtarget \glswrglossdisableanchorcmds - added \glswrglossdisablelocationcmds to disable commands when writing locations to the glossary file. - \glsaddprotectedpagefmt now only has an effect with esclocations=true - automake package option has new options: automake=makegloss -> use makeglossaries automake=lite -> use makeglossaries-lite automake=delayed -> formerly automake=true automake=true is now a deprecated synonym of automake=delayed If the value isn't specified the default is now automake=immediate instead of automake=true since the immediate setting is more reliable. Note that neither makeglossaries nor makeglossaries-lite are on the list of trusted applications, so the unrestricted shell escape will be required with these options. - if the automake package option is used with LuaLaTeX, the shellesc package will automatically be loaded. Note that if you specify automake in \setupglossaries, you'll need to explicitly load shellesc - Bug fix #196: xindy codepage now defaults to utf8 if \inputencodingname isn't defined - Bug fix #189: setting mathrel category gives ordinary spacing instead of mathrel spacing This bug fix has introduced a new command \glsencapwrcontent which adds grouping around the indexing whatsit. If this grouping causes a problem redefine it without the grouping: \renewcommand*{\glsencapwrcontent}[1]{#1} - Bug fix #195: Conflict if xtab is loaded If xtab has been loaded, nosuper is automatically implemented - Bug fix #191: local \gls option not localised - Bug fix: \GlsAddXdyCounters causes duplicate attribute definitions in the .xdy file - Bug fix: \newacronym longplural using incorrect plural suffix (\acrpluralsuffix instead of \glspluralsuffix) - Bug fix: removed inappropriate \acronymfont from around long form of dua-desc style - Added \glsshowtargetinner and \glsdoshowtarget (debug=target) - Added package option languages - Corrected kernelredefs choice internal commands - Added check for \nofiles - Entry counting now has associated conditional \ifglsresetcurrcount which determines whether or not to set the counter back to 0 when the first use flag is reset. (This has also been added to glossaries-extra v1.49.) The default is false, which is a change in behaviour to previous versions. - added sort=clear option - added \glsindexingsetting - added \ifglsfieldvoid - added \glsnoidxprenumberlist (fixed nonumberlist key with "noidx" indexing) - compatibility options compatible-3.07 and compatible-2.07 are no longer available. Use rollback for backward-compatibility. - deprecated acronym style package options 'description', 'footnote', 'smaller', 'smallcaps', 'dua' no longer available. Use rollback for backward-compatibiliy. * glossary-inline.sty: - added \glsinlineifhaschildren * makeglossaries: - added -e switch (don't attempt to repair multiple encaps) - added check for \glsignore when repairing multiple encaps - added check and repair for illegal page number/digit messages v4.49 (2021-11-01): * glossary-list.sty: - bug fix #187: Compilation fails if hyperref is loaded and the style is listhypergroup - bug fix #188: Glossary style `list' undefined with v4.46 rollback v4.48 (2021-10-19): * glossary-list.sty: - bug fix #186: list style with entrycounter has problematic unexpanded content This bug fix adds the following new commands: \glslistinit \glslistexpandedname * glossaries.sty: - new command \glsunexpandedfieldvalue (provided for use in \glslistexpandedname) - new command \glscapitalisewords (defaults to \capitalisewords) provides a way to switch to \capitalisefmtwords if required v4.47 (2021-09-20): * added new files containing dummy entries for testing: - example-glossaries-longchild.tex - example-glossaries-childmultipar.tex * glossaries.sty: - Rollback to v4.46 is available, if necessary: \usepackage{glossaries}[=v4.46] - bug fix #173 (.glsdefs not updated if entry definition modified) This bug fix has also led to support for the use of the 'see' key within the document environment. ** Delete your .glsdefs files on upgrading ** Note that this update slightly changes the format of the .glsdefs file. If you have a system that parses this file (for example, to pick up labels for autocompletion) it will need to be modified. Old format: \ifglsentryexists{