The LaTeX Calendar bundle consists of the following files:

CATALOG       (LaTeX index entry)
MANIFEST      (This file)
README        (Blurb about the package)
calguide.tex  (generic user manual)

allcal.ins    (Installation file)

calendar.dtx  (Core module)
dates.dtx     (Core module)
overword.dtx  (Core module)

calopts.cfg   (File containing common code)
dates.cfg     (Sample language configuration file)
autofilo.dtx  (Filofax(tm) page support)

timesht.dtx   (Timesheet style)
weekly.dtx    (Weekly style)
monthly.dtx   (Monthly style)
yearly.dtx    (Yearly style)
timetabl.dtx  (Timetable style)
evntlist.dtx  (Event list style)
htmlstuf.dtx  (Three HTML styles)

margins.sty   (Simple margin control)
mkaddr.dtx    (Sample Tcl and Emacs Lisp code for managing addresses)
plotutil.dtx  (Sample Tcl and LaTeX code for controlling HP 6xx plotters)

caldemos.dtx  (Calendar demo files)
bigdemo.tgz   (Large set of data files and sample document)