% % pxpgfrcs.sty % written by Hironobu Yamashita (@aminophen) % % This package is part of the plautopatch bundle. % https://github.com/aminophen/plautopatch % %% package declaration \NeedsTeXFormat{pLaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{pxpgfrcs} [2020/11/26 v0.3 shadings etc in tate class] \RequirePackage{pgfrcs}% pgfutil-latex.def requires everyshi \ifx\@EveryShipout@Output\@undefined % LaTeX2e 2020-10-01: an emulation by ``everyshi-ltx.sty'' % => pLaTeX2e 2020-10-01 natively supports it \else % older: the real ``everyshi.sty'' is loaded \IfFileExists{pxeveryshi.sty}{\RequirePackage{pxeveryshi}}{} \fi % Note: I chose the name "pxpgfrcs.sty" % (instead of "pgfutil-platex.def") because % * "pgfrcs.sty" is the only package % which contains \input pgfutil-latex.def. % * It is not common for LaTeX users to use % such an interface like \input pgfutil-platex.def. % patch pgfutil-latex.def (based on 2020-11-21 v3.1.7) \def\pgfutil@insertatbegincurrentpagefrombox#1{% \edef\pgf@temp{\the\wd\pgfutil@abb}% \global\setbox\pgfutil@abb\hbox{% \yoko %%% add \yoko \unhbox\pgfutil@abb% % % the order in which \pgfutil@insertatbegincurrentpagefrombox % matters unless we make the following -shift! % To see this, consider writing two such statements. The second % one will (naturally) be placed more to the right, although there % is no apparent reason why it should. % % CF observed problems when placing patterns in XObjects without % this skip (dvipdfmx driver for pgfplots shader=interp) \hskip\dimexpr\pgfutil@ifl@t@r\fmtversion{2020/10/01}{2in-2\hoffset}{}-\pgf@temp\relax% #1% \pgfutil@ifl@t@r\fmtversion{2020/10/01}{\hskip\dimexpr-2in-2\hoffset\relax}{}% }% } \endinput