Tib installation

Source language: C

For a list of files see MANIFEST.

1. Unpack the tar file.  This will create the directories tib,
   tib/src, tib/index, tib/inputs, tib/doc, tib/elisp, tib/sk,
   and tib/test.

2. Review the Makefile. With a text editor, change the variables
   TIBDIR (where the tib file-hierarchy will reside after installation),
   DESTDIR (where the executables go), MANDIR (where the manpages go 
   (only prefix)), and TEXBIN (the absolute pathname of your TeX-binary).

3. Make certain paths to temporary files in  #define  statements
   are correct in tib.h (they are set to /tmp/)  (there are
   three of them).

4. Make certain paths to system descriptions in  #include  statements
   are correct in tibargs.c (#include <sys/types.h>, #include <sys/stat.h>).

5. If you like, create tib.cat (`make manual') and/or tibdoc.dvi ('make dvi').
   If desired, copy tib.man and/or tib.cat to the doc directory.

6. Compile and link the programs.
   'make ja' will produce James Alexander's original tib,
   'make sk' will produce Sebastian Kremer's (upward compatible)
             extended tib. (cf. sk/README for information)
7. 'make test' will run a check on the vital components of the system.

8. Install the system.
   'make install' only installs the binaries, which is of not much
                  use the first time round.
   'make install.all' installs the full system, and
   'make install.man' installs the man pages.

12. Change directory to the $TIBDIR/index directory.  Install system
    reference file.  Apply tibdex to this reference file.
    If no system reference file is to be used, create dummy 
    index by applying tibdex to empty file.

13. Clean up as desired (delete object files: 'make clean',
    remove executables and documentation, too, and reverse
    changes introduced by SK's extensions: 'make veryclean').

14. Advertise <documentation directory>/intro.tib to TeX users.

       a. The siam format styles (siamd.tib, siamn.tib, siamdl.tib, 
          siamnl.tib) contain options on fonts (SIAM specifies smaller 
          type for bibliographies).  Check if you want to modify.
       b. On some machines, the stack can overflow in locate.c from `refs'.
          I believe making `refs' a global variable should not cause problems.
          Put the line `struct reftype refs[MAXREFS]...' after the 
          `static struct reftype' declaration.
       c. In numo.tib and numos.tib, the font ammi10 is used.  For some
          sites, this should be cmmi10.
       d. Files ieeabb.ttz and ieefll.ttz are included, but not documented.
          They consist of journal names and abbreviations for ieee journals.
          They can be installed in the macro subdirectory and made available
          with either the -i flag on the call to tib or by modifying .tib 
       e. A small unix utility named tibabb is included, but not documented.
          It is called as `tibabb <word>'.  
          It will exhibit all entries in the journal file(s) containing 
          that word, so that the appropriate definition code can be used.  
          It should be modified to local use.
       f. For Sebastian Kremer's extensions see the file sk/README