The authors of the dependency Rust crates: autocfg (version 1.1.0): Josh Stone bitflags (version 1.3.2): The Rust Project Developers cfg-if (version 1.0.0): Alex Crichton crossbeam-channel (version 0.5.6): crossbeam-deque (version 0.8.2): crossbeam-epoch (version 0.9.13): crossbeam-utils (version 0.8.14): dashmap (version 5.5.1): Acrimon either (version 1.8.0): bluss extendr-api (version 0.3.1): andy-thomason Thomas Down Mossa Merhi Reimert Claus O. Wilke Hiroaki Yutani Ilia A. Kosenkov extendr-engine (version 0.3.1): andy-thomason Thomas Down Mossa Merhi Reimert Claus O. Wilke Hiroaki Yutani Ilia A. Kosenkov extendr-macros (version 0.3.1): andy-thomason Thomas Down Mossa Merhi Reimert Claus O. Wilke Hiroaki Yutani Ilia A. Kosenkov getrandom (version 0.2.8): The Rand Project Developers hashbrown (version 0.14.0): Amanieu d'Antras hermit-abi (version 0.2.6): Stefan Lankes itertools (version 0.10.5): bluss lazy_static (version 1.4.0): Marvin Löbel libc (version 0.2.139): The Rust Project Developers libm (version 0.2.6): Jorge Aparicio libR-sys (version 0.3.0): andy-thomason Thomas Down Mossa Merhi Reimert Claus O. Wilke Ilia Kosenkov Hiroaki Yutani lock_api (version 0.4.10): Amanieu d'Antras matrixmultiply (version 0.3.2): bluss R. Janis Goldschmidt memoffset (version 0.7.1): Gilad Naaman ndarray-rand (version 0.14.0): bluss ndarray (version 0.15.6): Ulrik Sverdrup \"bluss\" Jim Turner nohash-hasher (version 0.2.0): Parity Technologies num_cpus (version 1.15.0): Sean McArthur num-complex (version 0.4.3): The Rust Project Developers num-integer (version 0.1.45): The Rust Project Developers num-traits (version 0.2.15): The Rust Project Developers once_cell (version 1.18.0): Aleksey Kladov ordered-float (version 3.4.0): Jonathan Reem Matt Brubeck parking_lot_core (version 0.9.8): Amanieu d'Antras paste (version 1.0.11): David Tolnay ppv-lite86 (version 0.2.17): The CryptoCorrosion Contributors proc-macro2 (version 1.0.50): David Tolnay Alex Crichton quote (version 1.0.23): David Tolnay rand_chacha (version 0.3.1): The Rand Project Developers The Rust Project Developers The CryptoCorrosion Contributors rand_core (version 0.6.4): The Rand Project Developers The Rust Project Developers rand_distr (version 0.4.3): The Rand Project Developers rand (version 0.8.5): The Rand Project Developers The Rust Project Developers rawpointer (version 0.2.1): bluss rayon-core (version 1.10.1): Niko Matsakis Josh Stone rayon (version 1.6.1): Niko Matsakis Josh Stone redox_syscall (version 0.3.5): Jeremy Soller rustc-hash (version 1.1.0): The Rust Project Developers scopeguard (version 1.1.0): bluss smallvec (version 1.10.0): The Servo Project Developers syn (version 1.0.107): David Tolnay unicode-ident (version 1.0.6): David Tolnay wasi (version 0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1): The Cranelift Project Developers winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu (version 0.4.0): Peter Atashian winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu (version 0.4.0): Peter Atashian winapi (version 0.3.9): Peter Atashian windows_aarch64_gnullvm (version 0.48.5): Microsoft windows_aarch64_msvc (version 0.48.5): Microsoft windows_i686_gnu (version 0.48.5): Microsoft windows_i686_msvc (version 0.48.5): Microsoft windows_x86_64_gnu (version 0.48.5): Microsoft windows_x86_64_gnullvm (version 0.48.5): Microsoft windows_x86_64_msvc (version 0.48.5): Microsoft windows-targets (version 0.48.5): Microsoft