library(xfun) library(xfun) (z = strict_list(aaa = "I am aaa", b = 1:5)) z$a # NULL (strict matching) z$aaa # I am aaa z$b z$c = "you can create a new element" z2 = unclass(z) # a normal list z2$a # partial matching z3 = as_strict_list(z2) # a strict list again z3$a # NULL (strict matching) again! library(xfun) raw_string(head(LETTERS)) (x = c("a \"b\"", "hello\tworld!")) raw_string(x) # this is more likely to be what you want to see f = system.file("LICENSE", package = "xfun") xfun::file_string(f) as.character(xfun::file_string(f)) # essentially a character string f = system.file("LICENSE", package = "xfun") xfun::base64_uri(f) xfun::grep_sub('a([b]+)c', 'a\\U\\1c', c('abc', 'abbbc', 'addc', '123'), perl = TRUE) library(xfun) f = tempfile() writeLines(c("hello", "world"), f) gsub_file(f, "world", "woRld", fixed = TRUE) file_string(f) process_file(f, function(x) { rep(x, 3) # repeat the content 3 times }) file_string(f) library(xfun) p = c("abc.doc", "def123.tex", "path/to/foo.Rmd") file_ext(p) sans_ext(p) with_ext(p, ".txt") with_ext(p, c(".ppt", ".sty", ".Rnw")) with_ext(p, "html") xfun::is_macos() xfun::is_unix() xfun::is_linux() xfun::is_windows() library(testit) library(parallel) library(tinytex) library(mime) xfun::pkg_attach(c('testit', 'parallel', 'tinytex', 'mime')) if (!requireNamespace('tinytex')) install.packages('tinytex') library(tinytex) xfun::pkg_attach2('tinytex') n2w(0, cap = TRUE) n2w(seq(0, 121, 11), and = TRUE) n2w(1e+06) n2w(1e+11 + 12345678) n2w(-987654321) n2w(1e+15 - 1) res = xfun::cache_rds({ # pretend the computing here is a time-consuming Sys.sleep(2) 1:10 }) xfun::session_info(c('xfun', 'litedown', 'tinytex'), dependencies = FALSE)