twig is an R package for building decision and
cost-effectiveness analyses. Below we provide instructions to install
the twig
R package, a simple Markov model example, and
reference two cost-effectivenss tutorials, one on a time-dependent
Markov model and the other on a decision tree. For building
syntax interactively, you can use DecisionTwig
which is an online graphical user interface for developing
A CRAN version will soon be available. Meanwhile, to install twig from GitHub, use the following command in R:
streamlines the process of building models by
defining a Grammar of Modeling inspired by the Grammar of Graphics used
in the ggplot2
package. twig
vectorized operations for efficiency.
Consider this twig
<- twig() +
mytwig decisions(names = c("A", "B")) + # Decision alternatives
states(names = c("Alive", "Dead"), # Markov state names
init_probs = c(1, 0)) + # The cohort starts healthy
event(name = "death_event", # A death event can
options = c("yes", "none"), # have two options: "yes" and "none",
probs = c(pDie, leftover), # occur with probabilities: pDie and leftover = 1 - pDie
transitions=c(Dead,stay)) + # can lead to death state otherwise stay in their current state, respectively.
payoffs(names = c(cost, utility)) # Payoff function names
The concept of Grammar of Modeling is insipred by
’s Grammar of Graphics. The key benefit of adopting
this grammar is to minimize repetition in decision and
cost-effectiveness analysis modeling to streamline model building,
maintenance and debugging. The twig
above consists of a
layer that includes the names of the alternative
strategies or choices, a states
layer that describes the
Markov states and their initial probabilities, an event
layer die_event
, and finally a payoffs
describing how payoffs are accumulated.
The key component of the Grammar of Modeling is to develop a
generic sequence of events a twig
that applies to
the entire population. The flow through these events can be controlled
by the probability functions probs
which can depend on the
, state
, cycle
for tunnels and prior events in the
In DecisionTwig,
this twig
will look like this
DecisionTwig allows to interactively build the twig
syntax. This can be especially helpful for more complex event sequence
Next, we define the three functions that we used in the
: pDie
, cost
. Note that these functions are all vectorized,
meaning that they can take a vector of states, decisions, and parameters
and return a vector of probabilities, costs, and utilities. This is a
key feature of twig
that allows for efficient computation
of the model across multiple simulations.
# 1. probability of death is a function of the state, decision and relative risk of mortality given treatment A
<- function(state, decision, rrMortA){
pDie <- 0.01*(state=="Alive") * rrMortA^(decision=="A") # rate of death is 20% if alive, 0 otherwise. This rate is multiplied by rrMortA for A, otherwise 1.
rDie rate2prob(rDie) # convert the rate into probability
# 2. cost is a function of the decision
<- function(decision, cA, cB){
cost * (decision=="A") +
cA * (decision=="B")
# 3. utility is uAlive if alive, otherwise 0
<- function(state, uAlive){
utility * (state=="Alive")
uAlive }
Here we use a concise way to define if statements. For example,
cA * (decision=="A")
is equivalent to
ifelse(decision=="A", cA, 0)
. Both statements are
vectorized and can take a vector of decisions and return a vector of
costs. However, the former is more concise and easier to read because it
avoids nesting multiple ifelse statements.
We also used rrMortA^(decision=="A")
to apply the
relative risk of mortality if the decision is A, otherwise 1. This is
because decision=="A"
is treated as 1, and
is treated as 0. By combining *
and ^
we can concisely express multiple conditional
Then, we can define our parameters as a probabilistic dataset of the parameters:
<- 1000 # number of simulations
<- data.frame(
psa_params rrMortA = rnorm(n_sims, 0.9, 0.1), # Normal: relative risk of mortality
cA = rlnorm(n_sims, 6, 1), # Log-normal: cost of A
cB = rlnorm(n_sims, 5, 1), # Log-normal: cost of B
uAlive = rbeta(n_sims, 0.8, 0.2)) # Beta: utility of being alive
head(psa_params) # examining the first 6 samples
# rrMortA cA cB uAlive
# 1 1.0168738 1270.91187 34.93591 0.9999919
# 2 0.8952317 1433.50158 351.25445 0.9497743
# 3 0.7524302 90.52039 273.80137 0.9999980
# 4 0.8276866 245.09993 488.33008 0.9805013
# 5 0.8751724 52.21374 219.23235 0.8402547
# 6 0.9473632 396.90634 112.18042 0.9991721
Lastly, we run the model for 50 cycles (years) and compute the average expected values (EV) for the costs and utilities of both strategies.
<- run_twig(twig_obj = mytwig, params = psa_params, n_cycles = 50)
$mean_ev #average across all simulations
results# payoff
# decision cost utility
# A 32379.32 32.11033
# B 12503.32 31.32062
Note that your results may be slightly different due to the
randomness params
We can produce the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) by
adapting dampack
’s calculate_icer
# calculate_icers(results$mean_ev)
# decision cost utility inc_cost inc_utility ICER status
# B B 12503.32 31.32062 NA NA NA ND
# A A 32379.32 32.11033 19875.99 0.7897148 25168.57 ND
ND = Not dominated
We can also plot the cost-effectiveness acceptability curve (CEAC) using a range of willingness to pay (WTP) thresholds:
plot_ceac(results$sim_ev, wtp_range = seq(0, 100000, by = 1000))
This brief tutorial demonstrated the basic functionality of the
package with a simple Markov model. It shows how to
define a simple twig
, define the probabilistic input data,
run the model, create the ICER table, and produce the CEAC curves. To
illustrate more advanced functionality of twig
, we provide
two vignettes:
Please note that both DecisionTwig and twig are still under active development and are provided as-is without any warranty.
This project is licensed under the GPL v3 International.
Jalal, H. (2024). Grammar of Modelling, twig R package. Retrieved from
Jalal, H. (2024). DecisionTwig. Retrieved from