## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----extended_installation_condaenv, eval = FALSE----------------------------- # library(text) # library(reticulate) # # # Install text required python packages in a conda environment (with defaults). # text::textrpp_install() # # # Show available conda environments. # reticulate::conda_list() # # # Initialize the installed conda environment. # # save_profile = TRUE saves the settings so that you don't have to run textrpp_initialize() after restarting R. # text::textrpp_initialize(save_profile = TRUE) # # # Test so that the text package work. # textEmbed("hello") # ## ----extended_installation_condaenvE1, eval = FALSE--------------------------- # curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh ## ----extended_installation_condaenvE2, eval = FALSE--------------------------- # brew install rust ## ----conda_tabble_short, echo=FALSE, results='asis'--------------------------- library(magrittr) os <- c("'Mac OS'", "'Linux'", "'Windows'", "'Windows'", "'Mac OS'", "'Linux'", "'Windows'", "'Mac OS'", "'Linux'", "'Windows'", "'Mac OS'", "'Linux'", "'Windows'") mini_conda <- c("'-'", "'-'", "'-'","'4.10.1'", "'4.10.3'", "'4.10.3'", "'4.10.3'", "'4.10.3'", "'4.10.3'", "'4.10.3'", "'4.10.3'", "'4.10.3'", "'4.10.3'") python <- c("'3.9.0'", "'3.9.0'", "'3.9.0'", "'3.9.0'", "'3.9.0'", "'3.9.0'", "'3.9.0'", "'3.8.10'", "'3.8.10'", "'3.8.10'", "'3.7.0'", "'3.7.0'", "'3.6.13'" ) torch <- c("'torch==1.11.0'", "'torch==1.11.0'", "'torch==1.11.0'","'torch==1.7.1'", "'torch==1.7.1'", "'torch==1.7.1'", "'torch==1.7.1'", "'torch==1.7.1'", "'torch==1.7.1'", "'torch==1.7.1'", "'torch==0.4.1'", "'torch==0.4.1'", "'torch==1.10'") transformers <- c("'transformers==4.19.2'", "'transformers==4.19.2'", "'transformers==4.19.2'", "'transformers==4.12.5'", "'transformers==4.12.5'", "'transformers==4.12.5'", "'transformers==4.12.5'", "'transformers==4.12.5'", "'transformers==4.12.5'", "'transformers==4.12.5'", "'transformers==3.3.1'", "'transformers==3.3.1'", "'transformers==3.3.1'") success <- c("Pass", "Pass","Pass", "FAIL", "Pass", "Pass","Pass", "Pass","Pass","Pass", "Pass","Pass","Pass") mini_conda_table <- tibble::tibble(os, mini_conda, python, torch, transformers, success) knitr::kable(mini_conda_table, caption="", bootstrap_options = c("hover"), full_width = T) ## ----extended_installation_venv, eval = FALSE--------------------------------- # # Create a virtual environment with text required python packages. # # Note that you have to provide a python path. # text::textrpp_install_virtualenv(rpp_version = c("torch==1.7.1", "transformers==4.12.5", "numpy", "nltk"), # python_path = "/usr/local/bin/python3.9", # envname = "textrpp_virtualenv") # # # Initialize the virtual environment. # text::textrpp_initialize(virtualenv = "textrpp_virtualenv", # condaenv = NULL, # save_profile = TRUE) # ## ----venv_tabble_short, echo=FALSE, results='asis'---------------------------- library(magrittr) OS <- c("'Mac OS'", "'Linux'", "'Mac OS'", "'Linux'", "'Windows'") Python_version <- c("'3.9.8'", "'3.9.8'", "'3.9.8'", "-", "-") torch <- c("'torch==1.11.0'", "'torch==1.11.0'", "'torch==1.7.1'", "-", "-") transformers <- c("'transformers==4.19.2'", "'transformers==4.19.2'", "'transformers==4.12.5'", "-", "-") Success <- c("Pass", "Pass", "Pass", "-", "-") venv_conda_table <- tibble::tibble(OS, Python_version, torch, transformers, Success) knitr::kable(venv_conda_table, caption="", bootstrap_options = c("hover"), full_width = T) ## ----extended_installation_old, eval = FALSE---------------------------------- # library(text) # # # To install the python packages torch, transformers, numpy and nltk through R, run: # library(reticulate) # install_miniconda() # # conda_install(envname = 'r-reticulate', c('torch==0.4.1', 'transformers==3.3.1', 'numpy', 'nltk'), pip = TRUE) # # # Windows 10 # conda_install(envname = 'r-reticulate', c('torch==0.4.1', 'transformers==3.3.1', 'numpy', 'nltk')) # ## ----extended_installation_checking_system, eval = FALSE---------------------- # # # First check R-version and which packages that are attached and loaded. # sessionInfo() # # # Second check out python version; and make sure you at least have version 3.6.10 # library(reticulate) # py_config() ## ----extended_REinstallation, eval = FALSE------------------------------------ # library(text) # # # To re-install packages start with a fresh session by restarting R and RStudio # # # Install development of reticulate (might not be necessary) # devtools::install_github("rstudio/reticulate") # # # After having manually removed the r-miniconda folder, install it again: # library(reticulate) # install_miniconda() # # # Subsequently re-install torch, transformers, numpy and nltk by running: # conda_install(envname = 'r-reticulate', c('torch==0.4.1', 'transformers==3.3.1', 'numpy', 'nltk'), pip = TRUE) #