## ----load_mermaid, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------- shiny::tags$script(type = "module", "import mermaid from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mermaid/+esm'") ## ----actors_mermaid2, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------- shiny::pre( class = "mermaid", " %% This is a mermaid diagram, if you see this the plot failed to render. Sorry. classDiagram class ReportCard{ +append_content() +append_text() +append_table() +append_plot() +append_rcode() +append_metadata() } ReportCard <.. FileBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. ContentBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. TextBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. NewpageBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. RcodeBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. PictureBlock: utilizes ReportCard <.. TableBlock: utilizes ContentBlock <|-- TextBlock ContentBlock <|-- NewpageBlock ContentBlock <|-- RcodeBlock ContentBlock <|-- FileBlock FileBlock <|-- PictureBlock FileBlock <|-- TableBlock namespace Blocks { class ContentBlock class FileBlock class TextBlock class NewpageBlock class RcodeBlock class PictureBlock class TableBlock } style ContentBlock fill:lightpurple style FileBlock fill: lightgreen style TextBlock fill: pink style NewpageBlock fill: pink style RcodeBlock fill: pink style PictureBlock fill: gold style TableBlock fill:gold style ReportCard fill:lightblue " ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(teal.reporter) getOption("teal.reporter.global_knitr") ## ----eval=requireNamespace("ggplot2")----------------------------------------- library(ggplot2) report_card <- ReportCard$new() report_card$append_text("Header 2 text", "header2") report_card$append_text("A paragraph of default text") report_card$append_plot( ggplot(airquality, aes(x = Ozone, y = Solar.R)) + geom_line(na.rm = TRUE) ) report_card$append_table(airquality) report_card$append_rcode("airquality_new <- airquality", echo = FALSE) report_card$append_metadata(key = "lm", value = lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R, airquality)) report_card$get_content()