------------- VERSION 0.3-0 ------------- * Solved code problems when checking sociomatrices in main functions. * Updated way of using UseDynLib in NAMESPACE. ------------- VERSION 0.2-2 ------------- * New methods for printing and summarizing steepness test and for plotting steepness in linear hierarchies. * Solved memory-access errors in steep.c code. ------------- VERSION 0.2-1 ------------- *Some improvements in steep.c file for compatibility with R>=2.15.3. *.First.Lib replaced by .onLoad function. ----------- VERSION 0.2 ----------- * A new function, getOrderedMatrix, for ordering the empirical matrix according individuals' NormDS values is included in this new version. * getinterc is eliminated in this version. * Methods for quantifying and testing steepness from matrices of win proportions are implemented. * getw1, getw2, getl1 and getl2 functions in previous version are gathered now in a unique function called getwl. * "for" loops eliminated in all the functions of steepness package. * All functions are now constrained to be used for square and numerical matrices. * cross-calling to steepness functions is avoided in the new version. * A more efficient way of computing steepness measure, via lm function, is now implemented in getStp, getplot and steeptest functions. * Some modifications of the C routine included in the package. * Improvements in Rd files. New examples for illustrative purposes. ----------- VERSION 0.1 ----------- First public version in CRAN