shipunov 1.17: slight changes in help files; function Gini() added for the convenience to have Gini coefficient to be calculated without loading additional stuff; function Ttcols() added for text-to-columns operation (amazingly, most of existed R solutions are inconvenient) shipunov 1.16: new function NC.dist(); slight changes in help files. shipunov 1.15: Rresults: added sessionInfo(); new Clustergram() function. shipunov 1.14: MDSv() improved. shipunov 1.13: corrections in NEWS; help files improved. shipunov 1.12: Cosine.dist() removed as it is not useful in the context of package; SM.dist() can now ignore similarities in zeroes and discretize numerical variables; new function Tctext() which is based on but more convenient than Tcoords() for labeling 'hclust' plots; PlotBest.dist() and PlotBest.mdist() improved (and simplified); plot.Jclust() now accepts 'pos' and 'offset' options for text; help files improved. shipunov 1.11: Bclust() now accepts the pre-built list of 'hclust' objects; plot.Jclust() now plots rectangle borders even if they go outside of plotting region; new method plot.Bclust() for quick plotting boostrap values; Bclust() is now able to count the relative matches; new function SM.dist() for simple match distances; Files() corrected so it now outputs file list if needed; new data 'hrahn' and related multi-entry identification system; Pleiad() now converts dissimilarities into similarities and can colorize negative correlations; help files improved. shipunov 1.10: "PBSmapping" package is now imported, not suggested so it should be installed together with "shipunov"; Dotchart1(), Dotchart(), Linechart(), Ex.col(), Str() functions and corresponding help files improved; Gower.dist() now controls the missing data in the output; Tcoords() now outputs proper coordinates even if labels are not present; new functions Polycenter() and Polyarea(), function Squares() re-worked; Hulls() and Ellipses() output now "centers" and "outliers" as _attributes_, please note that this might affect older scripts; Overlap(), Squares() and Pinhull() are improved, their option "Hulls=" removed; Jclust() and Bclabels() updated; new Fences() function which colorizes tips of "hclust" dendrogram. shipunov 1.9: Misclass(..., best=TRUE) reworked to speed up, everything is taken outside of cycles, "force=TRUE" now also runs experimental fast tabulate()-based code; Biarrows() is now by default with "shift="auto"" so arrows start out of the center without scaling; Bclabels() now prints bootstrap values as is; Ellipses() and especially Overlap() re-worked, the last now allows to output symmetric and negative overlaps; Hulls() improved to return point indices as row names; new function Vicinities() which helps to find "most central" observations; new function Pinhull() which allows to calculate polygon memberships, "membership overlaps", ellipse outliers and more; help files improved shipunov 1.8: DESCRIPTION corrected; Alldups() improved; in Hulls() "match.color" changed to "match.colors" (hopefully, will not affect anything); new function Tcoords() to calculate coordinates of tips in "hclust" and Ploth() plots; Pleiad() and its documentation slightly corrected; in Saynodynamite(), color is now simply "red"; help files improved; Ditto() improved; some corrections for R-4; Ploth() improved to change, e.g., label font; Misclass() corrected in case if there are more predicted than observed classes; Misclass(..., best=TRUE) now uses recursive .permutations() modified from "gtools" package, it allowed to increase the maximal number of classes from 7 to 8 ;) shipunov 1.7: Plot.phylocl() now allows "cex" for all labels; function Peaks() removed as it was not really useful; Biarrows() improved; seq_len() or seq_along() used instead of "1:..."; Files() corrected; Cosine.dist() and Misclass() improved; Alldups() extended to work with matrices and data frames; help files improved shipunov 1.6: help files improved; small bug in BootRF() and BootKNN() corrected; BootKNN() now also handles Dnn(); Gradd(..., what="lines") now also plots decision boundaries; help(Gradd) simplified and two packages removed from "Suggested"; functions Co.test() and removed as very simple and rarely used; compatibility established with new R "stringsAsFactors=TRUE"; new function Biarrows() to make biplot from any dimension reduction; Plot.phylocl() can now keep monotypic clades. shipunov 1.5: Class.sample() now handles proportion and has uniform sampling option; Rows() renamed into Pull(); Adj.Rand() can now use NAs; help files improved; plot.nnet() removed as it is now available as NeuralNetTools::plotnet(); Dev() removed as it is simple without function (see ?BootKNN and ?BootRF); BootRF() improved; help keywords updated; Life() has now interactive mode; Dotchart1() updated with new version from base R; Miney() code completely re-worked; DNN() can now use self-training. shipunov 1.4: Fill() improved; new Ditto() function (reverse Fill()); Biokey() and Numranks() improved; help files improved; new Rows() function; R() renamed into R.logo(); Life() improved; Rpart2newick() and Biokey() now keep node labels; MrBayes() changed after new version of "ips" package shipunov 1.3: Gradd() bug corrected; VTcoeffs() improved; Numranks() improved; help files improved; new "%-%" a.k.a. "minus names" function; new Dnn() function; new Rpart2newick() function; new Cosine.dist() function; MRH() updated; Recode*() functions improved; Bclust() improved shipunov 1.2: new Fill() function; datasets are now integrated; new MRH() function; new "chaetocnema" and "haltica" datasets; Ellipses() extended; Points() and PPoints() extended; new DNN() function for distance matrix based kNN; new S.value() function; K() and Misclass() extended; MrBayes() extended to handle mixed analysis; help files improved; new Biokey() and Numranks() functions; new datasets "plantago", "classifs" and "keys" shipunov 1.1: option "mad" added for pairwise.Eff(); function to generate "scikit-learn"-like examples; Misclass() is now able to search for the best table; new Class.sample() function; new Classproj() function; Hulls(..., outliers=FALSE) now plots smoothed convex hulls and outputs outliers; Overlap(..., Hulls=FALSE) might use non-Hulls() object; Overlap2() removed; new BestOverlap() function; help files improved; new Bclust() function and its allies; new Updist() function; Misclass(..., quiet=TRUE) now suppresses output; "Rresults" script improved; new Root1() function; Draw.arrow() removed; Histp() removed() shipunov 1.0: first release