0.3.42 (2024-09-14) * Address memory issue found by CRAN using valgrind. * Made example for 'psm' function not display a large matrix. 0.3.41 (2024-09-06) * Added cexAdjustment argument to plot() function for a partition estimate. * Update to track latest roxido framework. * Update for CRAN compliance in reporting rustc version during installation. 0.3.35 (2023-07-17) * Adjust "SystemRequirements" as per [Using Rust in CRAN packages](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/using_rust.html) * Updated reference for paper. * Updated to latest framework from cargo package. 0.3.29 (2022-12-19) * Improved authorship in DESCRIPTION. 0.3.27 (2022-12-02) * Added reference for paper. * Updated to latest Cargo Framework from the cargo package. * Noted authorship of depending Rust crates in DESCRIPTION, inst/AUTHORS, and LICENSE.note * Modified 'configure' script based on CRAN feedback. 0.3.0 (2021-12-04) * The order of the first two arguments in the partition.loss function (as VI, binder, etc.) have been swapped (to be consistent with the paper) and the argument names are now much more descriptive. * For (generalized) Binder and (generalized) VI losses, let a be in [0,2] and b = 2 - a. * More accurate elapse timings. * Don't use diagonal elements when computing the meanPSM in the summary function. 0.2.23 (2021-08-12) * Port to use the cargo framework, dropping the dependency on the cargo package. * Bump all dependencies. 0.2.22 (2021-05-12) * Added orderingMethod argument to summary.salso.estimate function. * Added showIDs argument to plot function on a salso.summary. * Added reference to arXiv paper. * Simplified compiling of the source package. * Bump all dependencies. 0.2.20 (2021-03-23) * Improved compiling of the source package. 0.2.15 (2021-03-10) * Added "LinkingTo: cargo" in their DESCRIPTION to use the cargo package to manage Cargo, Rust's package manager. * Addresses CRAN concerns regarding the use of ~/.cargo and multiple cores. 0.2.5 (2020-11-18) * Solved issue when compiling from source using an old version of Rust. * In salso function, renamed maxSize to maxNClusters for increased clarity. 0.2.3 (2020-11-09) * Bump to version 0.2.x series to reflect major improvements. * Refined "salso" function and function arguments to reflect the latest version of the SALSO algorithm and simplify its usage. * Support for the following loss functions: Binder (binder) with potentially unequal weights, One Minus Adjusted Rand Index (omARI), Variation of Information (VI) with potentially unequal weights, Normalized Variation of Information (NVI), Information Distance (ID), Normalized Information Distance (NID) * Partially support the following criteria: Approximation of One Minus Adjusted Rand Index (omARI.approx), Lower Bound of the Variation of Information (VI.lb), * Added "partition.loss" function and well as convenience methods for specific loss functions. * Added S3 "summary" method for output from the "salso" function and S3 "plot" method for output from the "summary" method to produce heatmap, dendrogram, and exemplar plots. 0.1.16 (2020-02-07) * Added a new stopping rule for the number of permutations. See the 'batchSize' argument of the 'salso' function. To recover the old behavior, set 'seconds' to zero and 'batchSize' to the desired number of permutations. * Tweaked handling of probability of exploration, i.e. the probability of picking the second best micro-optimization (instead of the best). * 'salso' function returns more information, including 'probExploration', 'curtailed', 'batchSize', and 'subsetSizes'. * 'maxScans' argument of the 'salso' function defaults to 10 instead of 5. * Removed 'parallel' argument to 'dlso' function since it was ignored. * Clarifications in DESCRIPTION and INSTALL files, per CRAN requests. 0.1.11 (2020-01-06) * Fixed bug related to 'maxSize' argument of the 'salso' function. 0.1.9 (2019-11-28) * Improved the algorithm by adding the 'probExploration' argument to the 'salso' function. * Bug fix in implementation of the algorithm. * Respect R's random number state for reproducibility. * New function: 'enumerate.permutations' 0.1.3 (2019-09-27) * New functions: 'dlso', 'confidence', and 'plot.salso.confidence'. * Added references in documentation. * Updated SystemRequirements and check for sufficiently version of Cargo. * When compiling, if suitable Cargo is not found, display INSTALL file. * Support compilation on Raspbian. 0.1.2 (2019-09-02) * First version available on CRAN. * Improved DESCRIPTION file as requested by CRAN. * Added \value to .Rd files as requested by CRAN. 0.1.1 (2019-08-30) * Support for static libraries. 0.1.0 (2019-08-23) * Initial submission to CRAN.