
rprofile stream-lines project .Rprofile configuration loading.


rprofile is on CRAN. Install it via



To use the package, add the following as the first line in a project .Rprofile file:

if (requireNamespace("rprofile", quietly = TRUE)) rprofile::load()

In most cases, that’s it. See the documentation for available parameters to customize the configuration.

At the moment, rprofile performs the following actions, in order, unless disabled via arguments:

  1. If the project is using an renv environment, it will be activated.
  2. If the project contains a .env file in its current path, the environment variables it contains will be loaded via readRenviron().
  3. The user profile (that is, the file ~/.Rprofile, or a file set via the R_PROFILE_USER environment variable) is loaded. Any errors that occur while loading this file will be converted into warnings, and rprofile::load() will invisibly return whether the file loaded without errors.
  4. If the project is an R package, load it via pkgload::load_all(export_all = FALSE). To avoid disrupting the regular package load order, this action will be deferred until after all default packages (given by getOption('defaultPackages')) have been loaded and attached.