Using resmush

resmush is a R package that allow users to optimize and compress images using is a free API that provides image optimization, and it has been implemented on Wordpress, Drupal or Magento.

Some of the features of are:


Compressing an online jpg image:


url <- paste0(

resmush_url(url, outfile = "jpg_example_compress.jpg", overwrite = TRUE)
#> ══ resmush summary ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> ℹ Input: 1 url with size 178.7 Kb
#> ✔ Success for 1 url: Size now is 45 Kb (was 178.7 Kb). Saved 133.7 Kb (74.82%).
#> See result in directory '.'.

Original online figure Optimized figure

Original picture (top) 178.7 Kb and optimized picture (bottom) 45 Kb (Compression 74.8%)

The quality of the compression can be adjusted in the case of jpg files using the parameter qlty. However, it is recommended to keep this value above 90 to get a good image quality.

# Extreme case
  outfile = "jpg_example_compress_low.jpg",
  overwrite = TRUE, qlty = 3
#> ══ resmush summary ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#> ℹ Input: 1 url with size 178.7 Kb
#> ✔ Success for 1 url: Size now is 2.2 Kb (was 178.7 Kb). Saved 176.4 Kb (98.74%).
#> See result in directory '.'.

Low quality figure

Low quality image due to a high compression rate.

All the functions return invisibly a data set with a summary of the process. The next example shows how when compressing a local file.

png_file <- system.file("extimg/example.png", package = "resmush")

# For the example, copy to a temporary file
tmp_png <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
file.copy(png_file, tmp_png, overwrite = TRUE)
#> [1] TRUE

summary <- resmush_file(tmp_png)

tibble::as_tibble(summary[, -c(1, 2)])
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#>   src_size dest_size compress_ratio notes src_bytes dest_bytes
#>   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>          <chr>     <dbl>      <dbl>
#> 1 239.9 Kb 70.7 Kb   70.54%         OK       245618      72356

Other alternatives