version 1.0-6 * using Authors@R in description files and added ORCID * using bibentry in CITATION file * using pckage anchors in \citation in documentation * using now \concept in stead of \keyword for complex terms in documentation * Encoleg DOIs with angle brackets such that . version 1.0-5: * small (and illustrative) adjustment to the examples for doQmapDIST to prevent crash due to non convergence of maximum likelyhood fit. * Removing depreciated URLs from the doccumentation * using now 'tryCatch' in several functions for exception handling version 1.0-4: * Bug fix in doQmapPTF.matrix * Updated NAMESPACE to include S3 methods registration * Changed title to be in title case * Added importFrom("stats",...) to NAMESPACE version 1.0-3: * fix several small bugs: change "min(length(ys),length(ys))" to "min(length(xs),length(ys))" * in fitQumapQUANT.default * in fitQmapRQUANT.default * in fitQmapSSPLIN.default version 1.0-2: * fixing issue in the example of fitQmapDIST, occuring in R-devel version on Mac * small updates in the doccumentation of: bernlnorm, bernexp, bernweibull version 1.0-1: * updated package citation * small corrections in package documentation