Version: 0.5-0 (2020-03-09, released) * API change where exposure and calcCandidates now explicitly return character vector instead of either factors or characters based on stringsAsFactors. * Replace all global symbols in portfolio.R, portfolioBasic.R, and tradelist.R with explicit data.frame column lookups. Mostly, replaced usage of `subset`. * Update regression test to handle changes to grid in R 4.0.0. Thanks to Paul Murrell and Thomas Lin Pedersen for suggestions on the fix. Version: 0.4-6 (2013-07-08, released) * Fixed bug in where records with an 'area' of 0 caused failure. Now, removes these records. Version: 0.4-5 (2010-02-18, released) * Fixed bug in where use of particular scale values caused failure. Thanks to Luke Vilnis for supplying this patch. Version: 0.4-4 (2008-10-31, released) * Added new returns and financials columns to assay data. Version: 0.4-0 (2007-04-22, released) * Refactored and improved matching facilities in the matchedPortfolio class. * Added calls to validObject() to many more methods. * Added to begin to address the different ways of calculating weights/rethinking the equity slot. * Changed mechanics of dummy chunks in the tradelist class to make adjusting total investment level more precise. Version: 0.3-3 (2007-01-16, released) * Set default row.names of data frames in class prototypes to integer() so that tests pass under 2.4.x and 2.5.x. Version: 0.3-2 (2007-01-08, released) * Fixed test case to handle new default of integer row.names in zero-length data frames. Version: 0.3-1 (2006-10-04, released) * Fixed invalid character escape sequences. Version: 0.3-0 (2006-10-01, released) * Removed classes dealing with temporal data. * Added tradelist class and vignette. * Added the trades class and expose method on portfolio. * Improved the performance method on the portfolio class to accept returns, start and end prices and include a notion of profit. * Added matching functionality from the MatchIt package. MatchIt is no longer in Suggests. Version: 0.2-2 (2006-06-18, released) * Adjusted tests for change in class of default row.names attribute in data.frame objects in R 2.4.0. Version: 0.2-1 (2006-04-12, released) * Expanded set of test cases. * Removed invalid assignment in class declaration of portfolioHistory.