## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---------------------------------- library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) library(lubridate) library(tidyverse) library(shiny) # for the tables library(reactable) library(reactablefmtr) library(sparkline) library(DT) # for the charts library(highcharter) # the library planr library(planr) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- df1 <- blueprint_light glimpse(df1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------- # Get Summary of variables #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_light # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Demand, Opening, Supply) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand = sum(Demand), Opening = sum(Opening), Supply = sum(Supply) ) # let's calculate the share of Demand df1$Demand.pc <- df1$Demand / sum(df1$Demand) # keep Results Value_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Demand #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_light # replace missing values by zero df1$Demand[is.na(df1$Demand)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Demand) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Demand_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Supply #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_light # replace missing values by zero df1$Supply[is.na(df1$Supply)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Supply) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Supply.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Supply_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Merge dataframes #----------------- # merge df1 <- left_join(Value_DB, Demand_Sparklines_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, Supply_Sparklines_DB) # reorder columns df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Demand, Demand.pc, Demand.Quantity, Opening, Supply, Supply.Quantity) # get results Summary_DB <- df1 glimpse(Summary_DB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reactable(df1,compact = TRUE, defaultSortOrder = "desc", defaultSorted = c("Demand"), defaultPageSize = 20, columns = list( `DFU` = colDef(name = "DFU"), `Demand`= colDef( name = "Total Demand (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0), style = list(background = "yellow",fontWeight = "bold") ), `Demand.pc`= colDef( name = "Share of Demand (%)", format = colFormat(percent = TRUE, digits = 1) ), # close % `Supply`= colDef( name = "Total Supply (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), `Opening`= colDef( name = "Opening Inventories (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), Demand.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Demand", cell = function(value, index) { sparkline(df1$Demand.Quantity[[index]]) }), Supply.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Supply", cell = function(values) { sparkline(values, type = "bar" #chartRangeMin = 0, chartRangeMax = max(chickwts$weight) ) }) ), # close columns list defaultColDef = colDef(footerStyle = list(fontWeight = "bold")), columnGroups = list( colGroup(name = "Demand", columns = c("Demand", "Demand.pc", "Demand.Quantity")), colGroup(name = "Supply", columns = c("Supply", "Supply.Quantity")) ) ) # close reactable ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_light df1 <- as.data.frame(df1) glimpse(df1) # calculate calculated_projection <- light_proj_inv(dataset = df1, DFU = DFU, Period = Period, Demand = Demand, Opening = Opening, Supply = Supply) # see results head(calculated_projection) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- calculated_projection <-as.data.frame(calculated_projection) # filter data Selected_DB <- filter(calculated_projection, calculated_projection$DFU == "Item 000001") glimpse(Selected_DB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # keep only the needed columns df1 <- Selected_DB %>% select(Period, Demand, Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods, Projected.Inventories.Qty, Supply) # create a f_colorpal field df1 <- df1 %>% mutate(f_colorpal = case_when( Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods > 6 ~ "#FFA500", Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods > 2 ~ "#32CD32", Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods > 0 ~ "#FFFF99", TRUE ~ "#FF0000" )) # create reactable reactable(df1, resizable = TRUE, showPageSizeOptions = TRUE, striped = TRUE, highlight = TRUE, compact = TRUE, defaultPageSize = 20, columns = list( Demand = colDef( name = "Demand (units)", cell = data_bars(df1, fill_color = "#3fc1c9", text_position = "outside-end" ) ), Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods = colDef( name = "Coverage (Periods)", maxWidth = 90, cell= color_tiles(df1, color_ref = "f_colorpal") ), f_colorpal = colDef(show = FALSE), # hidden, just used for the coverages `Projected.Inventories.Qty`= colDef( name = "Projected Inventories (units)", format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0), style = function(value) { if (value > 0) { color <- "#008000" } else if (value < 0) { color <- "#e00000" } else { color <- "#777" } list(color = color #fontWeight = "bold" ) } ), Supply = colDef( name = "Supply (units)", cell = data_bars(df1, fill_color = "#3CB371", text_position = "outside-end" ) ) ), # close columns lits columnGroups = list( colGroup(name = "Projected Inventories", columns = c("Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods", "Projected.Inventories.Qty")) ) ) # close reactable ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------ # Get data df1 <- calculated_projection df1 <- as.data.frame(df1) #------------------------------ # Filter # subset Period based on those Starting and Ending Periods df1 <- subset(df1,df1$Period >= "2022-07-03" & df1$Period <= "2022-09-25") #-------- # Keep Initial data #-------- # replace missing values by zero df1$Demand[is.na(df1$Demand)] <- 0 Initial_DB <- df1 #------------------------------ # Transform #-------- # Create a Summary database #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select( DFU, Demand) %>% group_by(DFU ) %>% summarise(Demand.Qty = sum(Demand) ) # Get Results Value_DB <- df1 #-------- # Create the SRA #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB #------------------------------ # keep only the needed columns df1 <- df1[,c("DFU","Period","Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods")] # format as numeric df1$Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods <- as.numeric(df1$Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods) # formatting 1 digit after comma df1$Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods = round(df1$Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods, 1) # spread data df1 <- df1 %>% spread(Period, Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods) # replace missing values by zero df1[is.na(df1)] <- 0 # Get Results SRA_DB <- df1 #-------- # Merge both database #-------- # merge both databases df1 <- left_join(Value_DB, SRA_DB) # Sort by Demand.Qty descending df1 <- df1[order(-df1$Demand.Qty),] # rename column df1 <- df1 %>% rename( "Total Demand (units)" = Demand.Qty ) # Get Results Interim_DB <- df1 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------ # create DT df1 <- Interim_DB datatable(df1, #filter = list(position = 'top', clear = FALSE), options = list( searching = FALSE, pageLength = 20, columnDefs = list(list(width = '200px', targets = c(1,2))) ),rownames= FALSE) %>% formatRound(2:2, 1) %>% formatStyle(columns = c(1:100), fontSize = '85%') %>% formatStyle( 3:20, backgroundColor = styleInterval(c(-0.1,0.0,1.0), c('#FF6347', 'orange', 'yellow','lightblue')) ) %>% formatStyle( 2:2, backgroundColor = 'mediumseagreen' ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------- # Create a Delay.Analysis check #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Period,Projected.Inventories.Qty) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(min.Projected.Inventories.Qty = min(Projected.Inventories.Qty), max.Projected.Inventories.Qty = max(Projected.Inventories.Qty) ) #----------------- # Identify where we are late to supply #----------------- # Add a character info to analyze whether there is an identified delay or not df1$Delay.Analysis <- if_else(df1$min.Projected.Inventories.Qty <= 0, "Delay", "OK") # Get Results Check_DB <- df1 head(Check_DB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------- # Merge #-------- # merge df1 <- left_join(Check_DB, Interim_DB) df1 <- as.data.frame(df1) # Note : we could use a filter to keep only those rows, in a shiny app for example # filter on Delay.Analysis # df1 <- filter(df1,df1$Delay.Analysis %in% input$Selected.Delay.Analysis) # remove not needed columns df1 <- df1[ , -which(names(df1) %in% c("min.Projected.Inventories.Qty", "max.Projected.Inventories.Qty" #"Delay.Analysis" ))] #------------------------------ # create DT datatable(df1, #filter = list(position = 'top', clear = FALSE), options = list( searching = FALSE, pageLength = 20, columnDefs = list(list(width = '200px', targets = c(1,2))) ),rownames= FALSE) %>% formatRound(3:3, 1) %>% formatStyle(columns = c(1:100), fontSize = '85%') %>% formatStyle( 4:20, backgroundColor = styleInterval(c(-0.1,0.0,1.0), c('#FF6347', 'orange', 'yellow','lightblue')) ) %>% formatStyle( 3:3, backgroundColor = 'mediumseagreen' ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------ # Get data df1 <- calculated_projection df1 <- as.data.frame(df1) #------------------------------ # Filter # subset Period based on those Starting and Ending Periods df1 <- subset(df1,df1$Period >= "2022-07-03" & df1$Period <= "2022-09-25") # keep this initial dataset Initial_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Summary of variables #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Demand, Opening, Supply) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand = sum(Demand), Opening = sum(Opening), Supply = sum(Supply) ) # let's calculate the share of Demand df1$Demand.pc <- df1$Demand / sum(df1$Demand) # keep Results Value_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Demand #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # replace missing values by zero df1$Demand[is.na(df1$Demand)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Demand) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Demand_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Supply #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # replace missing values by zero df1$Supply[is.na(df1$Supply)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Supply) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Supply.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Supply_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Projected Inventories #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # replace missing values by zero df1$Projected.Inventories.Qty[is.na(df1$Projected.Inventories.Qty)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Projected.Inventories.Qty) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(PI.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results PI_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #-------- # Create a Delay.Analysis check #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Period,Projected.Inventories.Qty) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(min.Projected.Inventories.Qty = min(Projected.Inventories.Qty), max.Projected.Inventories.Qty = max(Projected.Inventories.Qty) ) #----------------- # Identify where we are late to supply #----------------- # Add a character info to analyze whether there is an identified delay or not df1$Delay.Analysis <- if_else(df1$min.Projected.Inventories.Qty <= 0, "Delay", "OK") # Get Results Check_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Merge dataframes #----------------- # merge df1 <- left_join(Value_DB, Demand_Sparklines_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, Supply_Sparklines_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, PI_Sparklines_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, Check_DB) # reorder columns df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Demand, Demand.pc, Demand.Quantity, Supply, Supply.Quantity, Opening, PI.Quantity, Delay.Analysis) # get results Summary_DB <- df1 glimpse(Summary_DB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A Function to define a Badge Status in the reactable #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- status_badge <- function(color = "#aaa", width = "9px", height = width) { span(style = list( display = "inline-block", marginRight = "8px", width = width, height = height, backgroundColor = color, borderRadius = "50%" )) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reactable(df1,compact = TRUE, defaultSortOrder = "desc", defaultSorted = c("Demand"), defaultPageSize = 20, columns = list( `DFU` = colDef(name = "DFU"), `Demand`= colDef( name = "Total Demand (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0), style = list(background = "yellow",fontWeight = "bold") ), `Demand.pc`= colDef( name = "Share of Demand (%)", format = colFormat(percent = TRUE, digits = 1) ), # close % `Supply`= colDef( name = "Total Supply (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), `Opening`= colDef( name = "Opening Inventories (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), Demand.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Demand", cell = function(value, index) { sparkline(df1$Demand.Quantity[[index]]) }), Supply.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Supply", cell = function(values) { sparkline(values, type = "bar" #chartRangeMin = 0, chartRangeMax = max(chickwts$weight) ) }), PI.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Inventories", cell = function(values) { sparkline(values, type = "bar" #chartRangeMin = 0, chartRangeMax = max(chickwts$weight) ) }), Delay.Analysis = colDef( name = "Delay Analysis", cell = function(value) { color <- switch( value, OK = "hsl(120,61%,50%)", Delay = "hsl(39,100%,50%)" ) badge <- status_badge(color = color) tagList(badge, value) }) ), # close columns list defaultColDef = colDef(footerStyle = list(fontWeight = "bold")), columnGroups = list( colGroup(name = "Demand", columns = c("Demand", "Demand.pc", "Demand.Quantity")), colGroup(name = "Supply", columns = c("Supply", "Supply.Quantity")), colGroup(name = "Inventories", columns = c("Opening", "PI.Quantity", "Delay.Analysis")) ) ) # close reactable ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- df1 <- blueprint glimpse(df1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------- # Get Summary of variables #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Demand, Opening, Supply, Min.Cov, Max.Cov) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand = sum(Demand), Opening = sum(Opening), Supply = sum(Supply), Min.Cov = mean(Min.Cov), Max.Cov = mean(Max.Cov) ) # let's calculate the share of Demand df1$Demand.pc <- df1$Demand / sum(df1$Demand) # keep Results Value_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Demand #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_light # replace missing values by zero df1$Demand[is.na(df1$Demand)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Demand) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Demand_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Supply #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_light # replace missing values by zero df1$Supply[is.na(df1$Supply)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Supply) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Supply.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Supply_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Merge dataframes #----------------- # merge df1 <- left_join(Value_DB, Demand_Sparklines_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, Supply_Sparklines_DB) # reorder columns df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Min.Cov, Max.Cov, Demand, Demand.pc, Demand.Quantity, Opening, Supply, Supply.Quantity) # get results Summary_DB <- df1 glimpse(Summary_DB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A Function for a bar chart in the background of the cell #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Render a bar chart in the background of the cell bar_style <- function(width = 1, fill = "#e6e6e6", height = "75%", align = c("left", "right"), color = NULL) { align <- match.arg(align) if (align == "left") { position <- paste0(width * 100, "%") image <- sprintf("linear-gradient(90deg, %1$s %2$s, transparent %2$s)", fill, position) } else { position <- paste0(100 - width * 100, "%") image <- sprintf("linear-gradient(90deg, transparent %1$s, %2$s %1$s)", position, fill) } list( backgroundImage = image, backgroundSize = paste("100%", height), backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat", backgroundPosition = "center", color = color ) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reactable(df1,compact = TRUE, defaultSortOrder = "desc", defaultSorted = c("Demand"), defaultPageSize = 20, columns = list( `DFU` = colDef(name = "DFU"), `Demand`= colDef( name = "Total Demand (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0), style = list(background = "yellow",fontWeight = "bold") ), `Demand.pc`= colDef( name = "Share of Demand (%)", format = colFormat(percent = TRUE, digits = 1) ), # close % `Supply`= colDef( name = "Total Supply (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), `Opening`= colDef( name = "Opening Inventories (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), Demand.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Demand", cell = function(value, index) { sparkline(df1$Demand.Quantity[[index]]) }), Supply.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Supply", cell = function(values) { sparkline(values, type = "bar" #chartRangeMin = 0, chartRangeMax = max(chickwts$weight) ) }), `Min.Cov`= colDef( name = "Min Coverage (Periods)", style = function(value) { bar_style(width = value / max(df1$Min.Cov), fill = "hsl(208, 70%, 90%)") } ), `Max.Cov`= colDef( name = "Max Coverage (Periods)", style = function(value) { bar_style(width = value / max(df1$Max.Cov), fill = "hsl(0,79%,72%)") } ) ), # close columns list defaultColDef = colDef(footerStyle = list(fontWeight = "bold")), columnGroups = list( colGroup(name = "Demand", columns = c("Demand", "Demand.pc", "Demand.Quantity")), colGroup(name = "Supply", columns = c("Supply", "Supply.Quantity")) ) ) # close reactable ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint df1 <- as.data.frame(df1) # calculate calculated_projection_and_analysis <- proj_inv(data = df1, DFU = DFU, Period = Period, Demand = Demand, Opening = Opening, Supply = Supply, Min.Cov = Min.Cov, Max.Cov = Max.Cov) head(calculated_projection_and_analysis) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- calculated_projection_and_analysis <-as.data.frame(calculated_projection_and_analysis) # filter data Selected_DB <- filter(calculated_projection_and_analysis, calculated_projection_and_analysis$DFU == "Item 000001") glimpse(Selected_DB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create a function status.PI.Index status_PI.Index <- function(color = "#aaa", width = "0.55rem", height = width) { span(style = list( display = "inline-block", marginRight = "0.5rem", width = width, height = height, backgroundColor = color, borderRadius = "50%" )) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set a working df df1 <- Selected_DB # remove not needed column df1 <- df1[ , -which(names(df1) %in% c("DFU"))] # create a f_colorpal field df1 <- df1 %>% mutate(f_colorpal = case_when( Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods > 6 ~ "#FFA500", Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods > 2 ~ "#32CD32", Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods > 0 ~ "#FFFF99", TRUE ~ "#FF0000" )) #------------------------- # Create Table reactable(df1, resizable = TRUE, showPageSizeOptions = TRUE, striped = TRUE, highlight = TRUE, compact = TRUE, defaultPageSize = 20, columns = list( Demand = colDef( name = "Demand (units)", cell = data_bars(df1, #round_edges = TRUE #value <- format(value, big.mark = ","), #number_fmt = big.mark = ",", fill_color = "#3fc1c9", #fill_opacity = 0.8, text_position = "outside-end" ) ), Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods = colDef( name = "Coverage (Periods)", maxWidth = 90, cell= color_tiles(df1, color_ref = "f_colorpal") ), f_colorpal = colDef(show = FALSE), # hidden, just used for the coverages `Projected.Inventories.Qty`= colDef( name = "Projected Inventories (units)", format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0), style = function(value) { if (value > 0) { color <- "#008000" } else if (value < 0) { color <- "#e00000" } else { color <- "#777" } list(color = color #fontWeight = "bold" ) } ), Supply = colDef( name = "Supply (units)", cell = data_bars(df1, #round_edges = TRUE #value <- format(value, big.mark = ","), #number_fmt = big.mark = ",", fill_color = "#3CB371", #fill_opacity = 0.8, text_position = "outside-end" ) #format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) #number_fmt = big.mark = "," ), PI.Index = colDef( name = "Analysis", cell = function(value) { color <- switch( value, TBC = "hsl(154, 3%, 50%)", OverStock = "hsl(214, 45%, 50%)", OK = "hsl(154, 64%, 50%)", Alert = "hsl(30, 97%, 70%)", Shortage = "hsl(3, 69%, 50%)" ) PI.Index <- status_PI.Index(color = color) tagList(PI.Index, value) }), `Safety.Stocks`= colDef( name = "Safety Stocks (units)", format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), `Maximum.Stocks`= colDef( name = "Maximum Stocks (units)", format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), `Opening`= colDef( name = "Opening Inventories (units)", format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), `Min.Cov`= colDef(name = "Min Stocks Coverage (Periods)"), `Max.Cov`= colDef(name = "Maximum Stocks Coverage (Periods)"), # ratios `Ratio.PI.vs.min`= colDef(name = "Ratio PI vs min"), `Ratio.PI.vs.Max`= colDef(name = "Ratio PI vs Max") ), # close columns lits columnGroups = list( colGroup(name = "Projected Inventories", columns = c("Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods", "Projected.Inventories.Qty")), colGroup(name = "Stocks Levels Parameters", columns = c("Min.Cov", "Max.Cov", "Safety.Stocks", "Maximum.Stocks")), colGroup(name = "Analysis Features", columns = c("PI.Index", "Ratio.PI.vs.min", "Ratio.PI.vs.Max")) ) ) # close reactable ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set a working dataframe df1 <-as.data.frame(calculated_projection_and_analysis) #------------------------------ # Filter # subset Period based on those Starting and Ending Periods df1 <- subset(df1,df1$Period >= "2022-07-03" & df1$Period <= "2022-09-25") df1$PI.Index <- if_else(df1$PI.Index == "OverStock", "OverStock", "") glimpse(df1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------- # Keep Initial data #-------- # replace missing values by zero df1$Demand[is.na(df1$Demand)] <- 0 Initial_DB <- df1 #------------------------------ # Transform #-------- # Create a Summary database #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select( DFU, Demand) %>% group_by(DFU ) %>% summarise(Demand.Qty = sum(Demand) ) # Get Results Value_DB <- df1 #-------- # Create the SRA #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB #------------------------------ # keep only the needed columns df1 <- df1[,c("DFU","Period","PI.Index")] # spread data df1 <- df1 %>% spread(Period, PI.Index) # replace missing values by zero df1[is.na(df1)] <- 0 # Get Results SRA_DB <- df1 #-------- # Merge both database #-------- # merge both databases df1 <- left_join(Value_DB, SRA_DB) # Sort by Demand.Qty descending df1 <- df1[order(-df1$Demand.Qty),] # rename column df1 <- df1 %>% rename( "Total Demand (units)" = Demand.Qty ) # Get Results Interim_DB <- df1 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set a working df df1 <- Interim_DB # create DT datatable(df1, #filter = list(position = 'top', clear = FALSE), options = list( searching = FALSE, pageLength = 20, columnDefs = list(list(width = '200px', targets = c(1,2))) ),rownames= FALSE) %>% formatRound(2:2, 1) %>% formatStyle(columns = c(1:100), fontSize = '85%') %>% formatStyle( 3:20, backgroundColor = styleEqual( c('OverStock'), c('orange') )) %>% formatStyle( 2:2, backgroundColor = 'mediumseagreen' ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------ # Get data df1 <- calculated_projection_and_analysis df1 <- as.data.frame(df1) #------------------------------ # Filter # subset Period based on those Starting and Ending Periods df1 <- subset(df1,df1$Period >= "2022-07-03" & df1$Period <= "2022-09-25") # keep this initial dataset Initial_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Summary of variables #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Demand, Opening, Supply) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand = sum(Demand), Opening = sum(Opening), Supply = sum(Supply) ) # let's calculate the share of Demand df1$Demand.pc <- df1$Demand / sum(df1$Demand) # keep Results Value_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Demand #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # replace missing values by zero df1$Demand[is.na(df1$Demand)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Demand) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Demand_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Supply #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # replace missing values by zero df1$Supply[is.na(df1$Supply)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Supply) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Supply.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Supply_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Projected Inventories #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # replace missing values by zero df1$Projected.Inventories.Qty[is.na(df1$Projected.Inventories.Qty)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Projected.Inventories.Qty) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(PI.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results PI_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #-------- # Check if OverStock #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # focus on OverStocks, by filtering data df1$PI.Index.Value <- if_else(df1$PI.Index == "OverStock", 1, 0) # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, PI.Index.Value) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(OverStock = max(PI.Index.Value) ) # Get Results OverStock_DB <- df1 #-------- # Check if Alert #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # focus on Alert, by filtering data df1$PI.Index.Value <- if_else(df1$PI.Index == "Alert", 1, 0) # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, PI.Index.Value) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Alert = max(PI.Index.Value) ) # Get Results Alert_DB <- df1 #-------- # Check if Shortage #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # focus on Shortage, by filtering data df1$PI.Index.Value <- if_else(df1$PI.Index == "Shortage", 1, 0) # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, PI.Index.Value) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Shortage = max(PI.Index.Value) ) # Get Results Shortage_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Merge dataframes #----------------- # merge df1 <- left_join(Value_DB, Demand_Sparklines_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, Supply_Sparklines_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, PI_Sparklines_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, OverStock_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, Alert_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, Shortage_DB) # reorder columns df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Demand, Demand.pc, Demand.Quantity, Supply, Supply.Quantity, Opening, PI.Quantity, OverStock, Alert, Shortage) # replace figures by values df1$OverStock <- if_else(df1$OverStock == 1, "Y", "") df1$Alert <- if_else(df1$Alert == 1, "Y", "") df1$Shortage <- if_else(df1$Shortage == 1, "Y", "") # get results Summary_DB <- df1 glimpse(Summary_DB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reactable(df1,compact = TRUE, defaultSortOrder = "desc", defaultSorted = c("Demand"), defaultPageSize = 20, columns = list( `DFU` = colDef(name = "DFU"), `Demand`= colDef( name = "Total Demand (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0), style = list(background = "yellow",fontWeight = "bold") ), `Demand.pc`= colDef( name = "Share of Demand (%)", format = colFormat(percent = TRUE, digits = 1) ), # close % `Supply`= colDef( name = "Total Supply (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), `Opening`= colDef( name = "Opening Inventories (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), Demand.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Demand", cell = function(value, index) { sparkline(df1$Demand.Quantity[[index]]) }), Supply.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Supply", cell = function(values) { sparkline(values, type = "bar" #chartRangeMin = 0, chartRangeMax = max(chickwts$weight) ) }), PI.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Inventories", cell = function(values) { sparkline(values, type = "bar" #chartRangeMin = 0, chartRangeMax = max(chickwts$weight) ) }), OverStock = colDef( name = "OverStock", cell = function(value) { color <- switch( value, N = "hsl(120,61%,50%)", Y = "rgb(135,206,250)" ) badge <- status_badge(color = color) tagList(badge, value) }), Alert = colDef( name = "Alert", cell = function(value) { color <- switch( value, N = "hsl(120,61%,50%)", Y = "hsl(39,100%,50%)" ) badge <- status_badge(color = color) tagList(badge, value) }), Shortage = colDef( name = "Shortage", cell = function(value) { color <- switch( value, N = "hsl(120,61%,50%)", Y = "hsl(16,100%,50%)" ) badge <- status_badge(color = color) tagList(badge, value) }) ), # close columns list defaultColDef = colDef(footerStyle = list(fontWeight = "bold")), columnGroups = list( colGroup(name = "Demand", columns = c("Demand", "Demand.pc", "Demand.Quantity")), colGroup(name = "Supply", columns = c("Supply", "Supply.Quantity")), colGroup(name = "Inventories", columns = c("Opening", "PI.Quantity")), colGroup(name = "Analysis", columns = c("OverStock", "Alert", "Shortage")) ) ) # close reactable ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- df1 <- blueprint_drp glimpse(df1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------- # Get Summary of variables #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_drp # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, Demand, Opening, Supply, SSCov, DRPCovDur, MOQ) %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand = sum(Demand), Opening = sum(Opening), Supply = sum(Supply), SSCov = mean(SSCov), DRPCovDur = mean(DRPCovDur), MOQ = mean(MOQ) ) # let's calculate the share of Demand df1$Demand.pc <- df1$Demand / sum(df1$Demand) # keep Results Value_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Demand #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_drp # replace missing values by zero df1$Demand[is.na(df1$Demand)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Demand) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Demand.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Demand_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Get Sparklines Supply #----------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_drp # replace missing values by zero df1$Supply[is.na(df1$Supply)] <- 0 # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% group_by( DFU, Period ) %>% summarise( Quantity = sum(Supply) ) # generate Sparkline df1 <- df1 %>% group_by(DFU) %>% summarise(Supply.Quantity = list(Quantity)) # keep Results Supply_Sparklines_DB <- df1 #----------------- # Merge dataframes #----------------- # merge df1 <- left_join(Value_DB, Demand_Sparklines_DB) df1 <- left_join(df1, Supply_Sparklines_DB) # reorder columns df1 <- df1 %>% select(DFU, SSCov, DRPCovDur, MOQ, Demand, Demand.pc, Demand.Quantity, Opening, Supply, Supply.Quantity) # get results Summary_DB <- df1 glimpse(Summary_DB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- reactable(df1,compact = TRUE, defaultSortOrder = "desc", defaultSorted = c("Demand"), defaultPageSize = 20, columns = list( `DFU` = colDef(name = "DFU"), `Demand`= colDef( name = "Total Demand (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0), style = list(background = "yellow",fontWeight = "bold") ), `Demand.pc`= colDef( name = "Share of Demand (%)", format = colFormat(percent = TRUE, digits = 1) ), # close % `Supply`= colDef( name = "Total Supply (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), `Opening`= colDef( name = "Opening Inventories (units)", aggregate = "sum", footer = function(values) formatC(sum(values),format="f", big.mark=",", digits=0), format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0) ), Demand.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Demand", cell = function(value, index) { sparkline(df1$Demand.Quantity[[index]]) }), Supply.Quantity = colDef( name = "Projected Supply", cell = function(values) { sparkline(values, type = "bar" #chartRangeMin = 0, chartRangeMax = max(chickwts$weight) ) }), `SSCov`= colDef( name = "Safety Stock (Periods)", style = function(value) { bar_style(width = value / max(df1$Min.Cov), fill = "hsl(208, 70%, 90%)") } ), `DRPCovDur`= colDef( name = "Frequency of Supply (Periods)", style = function(value) { bar_style(width = value / max(df1$Max.Cov), fill = "hsl(0,79%,72%)") } ) ), # close columns list defaultColDef = colDef(footerStyle = list(fontWeight = "bold")), columnGroups = list( colGroup(name = "DRP parameters", columns = c("SSCov", "DRPCovDur", "MOQ")), colGroup(name = "Demand", columns = c("Demand", "Demand.pc", "Demand.Quantity")), colGroup(name = "Supply", columns = c("Supply", "Supply.Quantity")) ) ) # close reactable ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # keep only needed columns df1 <- blueprint_drp %>% select(DFU, Period, FH) # spread df1 <- df1 %>% spread(Period, FH) # create DT datatable(df1, #filter = list(position = 'top', clear = FALSE), options = list( searching = FALSE, pageLength = 20 #columnDefs = list(list(width = '200px', targets = c(1,2))) ),rownames= FALSE) %>% #formatRound(2:2, 1) %>% #formatStyle(columns = c(1:100), fontSize = '85%') %>% formatStyle( 2:20, backgroundColor = styleEqual( c('Frozen'), c('yellow') )) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set a working df df1 <- blueprint_drp df1 <- as.data.frame(df1) # calculate drp calculated_drp <- drp(data = df1, DFU = DFU, Period = Period, Demand = Demand, Opening = Opening, Supply = Supply, SSCov = SSCov, DRPCovDur = DRPCovDur, MOQ = MOQ, FH = FH ) head(calculated_drp) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- calculated_drp <-as.data.frame(calculated_drp) # filter data Selected_DB <- filter(calculated_drp, calculated_drp$DFU == "Item 000004") glimpse(Selected_DB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # keep only the needed columns df1 <- Selected_DB %>% select(Period, FH, Demand, DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods, DRP.Projected.Inventories.Qty, DRP.plan) # replace missing values by zero df1$DRP.Projected.Inventories.Qty[is.na(df1$DRP.Projected.Inventories.Qty)] <- 0 df1$DRP.plan[is.na(df1$DRP.plan)] <- 0 # create a f_colorpal field df1 <- df1 %>% mutate(f_colorpal = case_when( DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods > 6 ~ "#FFA500", DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods > 2 ~ "#32CD32", DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods > 0 ~ "#FFFF99", TRUE ~ "#FF0000" )) # create reactable reactable(df1, resizable = TRUE, showPageSizeOptions = TRUE, striped = TRUE, highlight = TRUE, compact = TRUE, defaultPageSize = 20, columns = list( Demand = colDef( name = "Demand (units)", cell = data_bars(df1, fill_color = "#3fc1c9", text_position = "outside-end" ) ), DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods = colDef( name = "Coverage (Periods)", maxWidth = 90, cell= color_tiles(df1, color_ref = "f_colorpal") ), f_colorpal = colDef(show = FALSE), # hidden, just used for the coverages `DRP.Projected.Inventories.Qty`= colDef( name = "Projected Inventories (units)", format = colFormat(separators = TRUE, digits=0), style = function(value) { if (value > 0) { color <- "#008000" } else if (value < 0) { color <- "#e00000" } else { color <- "#777" } list(color = color #fontWeight = "bold" ) } ), DRP.plan = colDef( name = "Calculated Supply (units)", cell = data_bars(df1, fill_color = "#3CB371", text_position = "outside-end" ) ) ), # close columns lits columnGroups = list( colGroup(name = "Projected Inventories", columns = c("DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods", "DRP.Projected.Inventories.Qty")) ) ) # close reactable ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------ # Get data df1 <- calculated_drp df1 <- as.data.frame(df1) #------------------------------ # Filter # subset Period based on those Starting and Ending Periods df1 <- subset(df1,df1$Period >= "2022-07-03" & df1$Period <= "2022-09-25") #-------- # Keep Initial data #-------- # replace missing values by zero df1$Demand[is.na(df1$Demand)] <- 0 Initial_DB <- df1 #------------------------------ # Transform #-------- # Create a Summary database #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB # aggregate df1 <- df1 %>% select( DFU, Demand) %>% group_by(DFU ) %>% summarise(Demand.Qty = sum(Demand) ) # Get Results Value_DB <- df1 #-------- # Create the SRA #-------- # set a working df df1 <- Initial_DB #------------------------------ # keep only the needed columns df1 <- df1[,c("DFU","Period","DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods")] # format as numeric df1$DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods <- as.numeric(df1$DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods) # formatting 1 digit after comma df1$DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods = round(df1$DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods, 1) # spread data df1 <- df1 %>% spread(Period, DRP.Calculated.Coverage.in.Periods) # replace missing values by zero df1[is.na(df1)] <- 0 # Get Results SRA_DB <- df1 #-------- # Merge both database #-------- # merge both databases df1 <- left_join(Value_DB, SRA_DB) # Sort by Demand.Qty descending df1 <- df1[order(-df1$Demand.Qty),] # rename column df1 <- df1 %>% rename( "Total Demand (units)" = Demand.Qty ) # Get Results Interim_DB <- df1 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------ # create DT df1 <- Interim_DB datatable(df1, #filter = list(position = 'top', clear = FALSE), options = list( searching = FALSE, pageLength = 20, columnDefs = list(list(width = '200px', targets = c(1,2))) ),rownames= FALSE) %>% formatRound(2:2, 1) %>% formatStyle(columns = c(1:100), fontSize = '85%') %>% formatStyle( 3:20, backgroundColor = styleInterval(c(-0.1,0.0,4.0), c('#FF6347', 'orange', 'yellow','lightblue')) ) %>% formatStyle( 2:2, backgroundColor = 'mediumseagreen' )