
The phytoclass package uses non-negative matrix factorization and simulated annealing to determine the biomass of different phytoplankton groups from pigment concentrations.


It can be installed from CRAN with:


Or the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


For the built-in samples matrix Sm of pigment samples:


Results <- simulated_annealing(Sm, niter = 5)
#> Condition number = 390
#> Current error:  0.0283
#> Neighbour's error:  0.0283
#> Temperature (%):  99.1
#> [1] " "
#> Current error:  0.024
#> Neighbour's error:  0.024
#> Temperature (%):  98.21
#> [1] " "
#> Current error:  0.024
#> Neighbour's error:  0.0248
#> Temperature (%):  97.32
#> [1] " "
#> Current error:  0.024
#> Neighbour's error:  0.0266
#> Temperature (%):  96.45
#> [1] " "
#> Current error:  0.024
#> Neighbour's error:  0.0257
#> Temperature (%):  95.58
#> [1] " "

#> [1] 0.02402553
#>          Per       X19but         Fuco         Neox          Pra         Viol 
#> 3.471209e-03 1.423318e-05 5.395220e-04 8.540243e-03 6.235006e-03 2.153819e-02 
#>       X19hex         Allo          Zea        Chl.b        Tchla 
#> 9.868784e-05 6.901592e-04 1.529518e-02 3.024765e-03 3.555499e-03
#>                 Per        X19but          Fuco          Neox           Pra
#> 1257  -2.016832e-04  2.555861e-05 -0.0089617928 -0.0088573156  0.0057854981
#> 1278  -4.000933e-04  5.070243e-05 -0.0177781490 -0.0050287416  0.0029692048
#> 1908  -2.629452e-04  3.332212e-05 -0.0116839694 -0.0022869672  0.0036127567
#> 1909  -2.343801e-04  2.970217e-05 -0.0104146790 -0.0020856447  0.0039330735
#> 1914  -5.734420e-05  7.267031e-06 -0.0025480900  0.0014803626  0.0022605199
#> 1915  -2.691132e-05  3.410378e-06 -0.0011958046  0.0015754724  0.0036692934
#> 5614   0.000000e+00 -1.441622e-05  0.0050548609 -0.0003748107  0.0039785042
#> 5647   0.000000e+00 -1.907135e-06  0.0006687121  0.0012341398  0.0020925046
#> 5653   0.000000e+00 -4.937718e-07  0.0001731347  0.0010131425  0.0011489899
#> 6770   0.000000e+00 -1.031987e-05  0.0036185272 -0.0009429398  0.0024941454
#> 8425   0.000000e+00 -4.826104e-06  0.0016922106 -0.0015747921  0.0009532809
#> 8426   0.000000e+00 -1.185224e-05  0.0041558352  0.0042948847  0.0015547195
#> 9538   0.000000e+00 -7.970628e-06  0.0027947972  0.0002394925  0.0018553239
#> 9568   0.000000e+00 -1.451985e-05  0.0050911975 -0.0001082795  0.0095320268
#> 9625  -8.283923e-05 -6.988029e-05 -0.0036809615  0.0042735702  0.0004537920
#> 9626   0.000000e+00 -5.766038e-06  0.0020217863 -0.0024167071  0.0143167572
#> 9838  -3.677364e-05  4.660196e-06 -0.0016340370 -0.0044467202  0.0057361770
#> 9839   0.000000e+00 -6.087732e-06  0.0021345842 -0.0027920763  0.0098255906
#> 9845  -3.619323e-06  4.586642e-07 -0.0001608246 -0.0033778541  0.0067249902
#> 9860   0.000000e+00 -3.437891e-06  0.0012054518 -0.0065380900  0.0035195542
#> 9861   0.000000e+00 -1.350248e-06  0.0004734470 -0.0055708210  0.0092787207
#> 9904  -2.734102e-05  3.464832e-06 -0.0012148983 -0.0039355274  0.0015618060
#> 9913  -3.292737e-05  4.172771e-06 -0.0014631278 -0.0017724637  0.0021516319
#> 9938   0.000000e+00 -1.236979e-05  0.0043373057  0.0063476391 -0.0001607775
#> 9980   0.000000e+00 -6.567464e-06  0.0023027958 -0.0029623708  0.0008925982
#> 10081  0.000000e+00 -5.246794e-06  0.0018397200 -0.0029268007  0.0102797984
#> 10082  0.000000e+00 -6.889093e-06  0.0024155710  0.0020369517  0.0047177666
#> 10089  0.000000e+00 -7.131170e-06  0.0025004522 -0.0003558590  0.0054162953
#> 10121  0.000000e+00 -1.334807e-05  0.0046803262 -0.0023168271  0.0041727702
#>                Viol        X19hex          Allo           Zea        Chl.b
#> 1257  -0.0024269941 -3.711938e-04 -4.409828e-04 -1.120497e-02  0.015353185
#> 1278  -0.0021616075 -7.363636e-04 -8.748092e-04 -2.370467e-03  0.002087823
#> 1908  -0.0067722402 -4.839452e-04 -5.749329e-04 -3.373919e-03  0.005189338
#> 1909  -0.0071833294 -4.313717e-04 -5.124750e-04 -4.215064e-03  0.006222377
#> 1914  -0.0075942703 -1.055408e-04 -1.253838e-04 -1.743049e-03  0.003904737
#> 1915  -0.0072936003 -4.952973e-05 -5.884194e-05 -5.185266e-03  0.006005577
#> 5614  -0.0026324549  2.093703e-04  2.487345e-04 -9.104614e-03  0.009501780
#> 5647  -0.0014681990  2.769778e-05  3.290531e-05 -3.594214e-04 -0.003185980
#> 5653   0.0006155274  7.171168e-06  8.519438e-06 -2.165362e-04 -0.003564019
#> 6770  -0.0024095732  1.498779e-04  1.780568e-04 -5.719746e-03  0.007581382
#> 8425  -0.0093803479  7.009066e-05  8.326859e-05  2.827730e-05  0.009681932
#> 8426  -0.0123283981  1.721330e-04  0.000000e+00  6.944515e-05  0.005687787
#> 9538  -0.0158033847  1.157593e-04  0.000000e+00  4.670183e-05  0.012753453
#> 9568  -0.0082235070  2.108753e-04  2.505225e-04 -9.037484e-03  0.004185448
#> 9625   0.0033144315 -9.905241e-05 -1.811290e-04 -2.966061e-04 -0.009022583
#> 9626   0.0006596631  8.374155e-05  9.948601e-05 -1.996796e-02  0.003618368
#> 9838   0.0031349282 -6.768114e-05 -8.040604e-05 -1.372653e-02  0.010039291
#> 9839  -0.0061039172  8.841360e-05  1.050365e-04 -8.019459e-03  0.002309205
#> 9845  -0.0039680721 -6.661290e-06 -7.913696e-06 -1.273194e-02  0.013087472
#> 9860  -0.0031299818  4.992932e-05  5.931665e-05 -8.148555e-03  0.015364147
#> 9861  -0.0044837767  1.960998e-05  2.329690e-05 -1.301483e-02  0.011566731
#> 9904  -0.0023630976 -5.032059e-05 -5.978149e-05 -3.089930e-03  0.007837740
#> 9913  -0.0027060704 -6.060215e-05 -7.199611e-05 -3.810046e-03  0.005754947
#> 9938   0.0012556180  1.796494e-04  2.134258e-04  7.247757e-05 -0.007040581
#> 9980  -0.0022312429  9.538085e-05  1.133136e-04 -2.360653e-03  0.007530935
#> 10081 -0.0054650329  7.620044e-05  9.052708e-05 -5.481875e-03 -0.002786379
#> 10082 -0.0028179810  1.000520e-04  1.188630e-04  4.036486e-05 -0.007959213
#> 10089  0.0005513200  1.035677e-04  1.230397e-04  4.178324e-05 -0.010184592
#> 10121 -0.0091840014  1.938572e-04  2.303048e-04 -7.841625e-03  0.015989165
#>              Tchla
#> 1257   0.130654395
#> 1278   0.259188462
#> 1908   0.170341134
#> 1909   0.151836089
#> 1914   0.037148723
#> 1915   0.017433690
#> 5614  -0.073695053
#> 5647  -0.009749185
#> 5653  -0.002524139
#> 6770  -0.052754676
#> 8425  -0.024670817
#> 8426  -0.060588115
#> 9538  -0.040745478
#> 9568  -0.074224805
#> 9625   0.053664909
#> 9626  -0.029475716
#> 9838   0.023822701
#> 9839  -0.031120203
#> 9845   0.002344670
#> 9860  -0.017574337
#> 9861  -0.006902406
#> 9904   0.017712059
#> 9913   0.021331008
#> 9938  -0.063233782
#> 9980  -0.033572568
#> 10081 -0.026821364
#> 10082 -0.035216723
#> 10089 -0.036454209
#> 10121 -0.068234694
Results$`F matrix`
#>                      Per X19but   Fuco   Neox    Pra   Viol X19hex   Allo
#> Prasinophytes     0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0960 0.1734 0.0923 0.0000 0.0000
#> Chlorophytes      0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0502 0.0000 0.0311 0.0000 0.0000
#> Cryptophytes      0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3292
#> Diatoms-B         0.0000 0.0000 0.8244 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
#> Dinoflagellates-A 0.7198 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
#> Haptophytes       0.0000 0.2513 0.0637 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.9634 0.0000
#> Pelagophytes      0.0000 0.3376 0.8734 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
#> Syn               0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
#>                      Zea  Chl.b Tchla
#> Prasinophytes     0.1305 0.6366     1
#> Chlorophytes      0.0228 0.2891     1
#> Cryptophytes      0.0000 0.0000     1
#> Diatoms-B         0.0000 0.0000     1
#> Dinoflagellates-A 0.0000 0.0000     1
#> Haptophytes       0.0000 0.0000     1
#> Pelagophytes      0.0000 0.0000     1
#> Syn               0.9694 0.0000     1
Results$`Class abudances`