pbkrtest 0.5.3 (Release date: 2024-06-26) ============================================ Changes * Improved documentation of PBmodcomp, KRmodcomp, SATmodcomp pbkrtest 0.5.2 (Release date: 2023-01-19) ============================================ Changes * remat changed to restriction_matrix for increased readability * WORDLIST file added * Changes in reference to JSS paper * Various changes in documentation * Satterthwaite approximation now illustrated in vignette * Fixed bug in computation of LRTstatistic. Thanks to Helle Sorensen for pointing it out. pbkrtest 0.5.1 (Release date: 2021-03-09) ============================================ Changes * Improved documentation pbkrtest 0.5-0.0 (Release date: 2020-08-04) ============================================ Changes * Satterthwaite approximation added via the SATmodcomp function. * Checks for models being nested is not performed for parametric bootstrap any longer. Reason is that the simr package use parametric bootstrap for testing variance components being zero. * doi added to DESCRIPTION file pbkrtest 0.4-8.6 (Release date: 2020-02-20) ============================================ Bug fixes: * documentation fixed ddf_Lb is now exported * mclapply issue for windows fixed * vcovAdj.lmerMod is exported to make emmeans work. Contact Russ Lenth to make emmeans used generic function vcovAdj. pbkrtest 0.4-8 (Release date: 2020-02-20) ========================================== Bug fixes: * Issue related to class() versus inherits() fixed. Changes: * NEWS file added * NAMESPACE file is now generated automatically