Revision history for the R/negenes package ---------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright (c) 2002-2019, Karl W Broman Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0-12, 2019-08-05: Convert documentation to Roxygen2 (with markdown). Version 1.0-8, 2018-04-02: Small changes to avoid Note about "R_registerRoutines". Speed up examples for negenes(). Version 1.0-5, 2016-05-21: Changed author() calls in inst/CITATION. Version 1.0-3, 2015-09-11: Import sd from stats library in NAMESPACE. Version 1.0-1, 2012-03-09: Fixed bug in negenes that could lead to a memory overrun. Version 0.99-2, 2011-11-07: Added NAMESPACE. Version 0.98-9, 2011-03-20: Replaced datafile for Mtb80 with a compressed version. Version 0.98-8, 2009-06-30: Added a CITATION file. Version 0.98-7, 2007-10-09: Minuscule changes to the help files, to conform to a change in R. Version 0.98-5, 2004-06-30: Slight revision to the negenes() function: added PACKAGE="negenes" in the .C() call. Version 0.98-4, 2004-02-02: Fixed a tiny error in the documentation. Version 0.98-3, 2002-08-10: Revised the negenes function to return Rao-Blackwellized estimates of the probability that each gene is essential, and of the posterior mean of the total number of essential genes. Version 0.97, 2002-07-31: Included a data object, Mtb80, containing the number of TA sites in M. tuberculosis CDC1551 genome, by the "80% rule." Version 0.96, 2002-07-16: Changed the argument "start" in negenes() to "startp", the initial proportion of genes not known to be essential that will be assumed essential to start the Gibbs sampler. Version 0.95, 2002-07-14: Revised the package to take care of the case of insertion sites in regions of gene overlap. It is assumed that the genes 1, 2, ..., N are in order around the genome. Version 0.90, 2002-07-13: A newly created package. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- end of STATUS.txt