'multiplex' PACKAGE version 3.9 (29-January-2025) ----------------------------- BUGS FIXED: * "numerical" option in 'as.semigroup' works as well dependencies in 'cngr', 'fact', 'decomp' and internals 'reducs' and 'sprt' * fix "toarray" in 'rel.sys' for actor attributes version 3.8-3 (6-November-2024) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + new argument "na.rm" in 'edgel' for removing or not NAs BUGS FIXED: * argument "toedgel" in 'transf' works for multiplex networks OTHER CHANGES: + minor corrections to internal function 'trnf' and vignette version 3.7 (30-September-2024) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + new argument "sort" in 'comps' for sorting components by size OTHER CHANGES: * Function 'rel.sys' "sel" "type" "tolist" option now removes pendant nodes from the selected system * argument "as" "srt" in function 'read.gml' renamed to 'edgel' + minor corrections to vignette and manual version 3.4 (30-July-2024) ----------------------------- BUGS FIXED: * patch in 'mlvl' because of v3.3 * fix bug in 'rel.sys' with "att" version 3.3 (19-June-2024) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + NEW ALIAS FUNCTION 'hasse' for Hasse diagrams + new argument "type" in function 'diagram' BUGS FIXED: * fix bug in 'zbind' "force" option * improvements in 'transf' version 3.1.1 (16-November-2023) ----------------------------- BUGS FIXED: * Unnamed lists to array in 'transf' fixed. version 3.0.0-2 (22-June-2023) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + NEW FUNCTION 'green.rel' to perform Green's relations on semigroup objects OTHER CHANGES: * Function 'read.srt' RENAMED to 'edgel' that stands for edge list (alias remains for compatibility) * Function 'write.srt' RENAMED to 'write.edgel' + 'zbind' supports dynamic networks with "force" + new argument "sort" in function 'zbind' + 'transf' supports missing data with "na.rm" - DEPRECATED: 'zbindd' version 2.9.8 (8-February-2022) ----------------------------- CHANGES: + new argument "type" option "toedgel" in 'transf' * 'read.srt' supports edge lists without tie columns version 2.9.7 (10-January-2022) ----------------------------- NEW INTERNAL: 'zbindd' to bind dynamic networks CHANGES: + new argument "sep" in function 'diagram' * 'read.srt' returns an ordered label array BUGS FIXED: * improvements in 'transf', 'rel.sys', 'mlvl' version 2.9.5 (8-September-2021) ----------------------------- Wiley Companion Webiste BUGS FIXED: * Internal function 'transl' runs with R >4.0.0 CHANGES: * .rda replaces .RData + Minor fixes in 'partial.order' and 'fltr' version 2.9.4 (28-February-2020) ----------------------------- CHANGES: * 'perm' allows sorting arrays + Minor fixes in internal 'ti' + DOI Citation is added version 2.9.2 (2-December-2019) ----------------------------- ADDED: 'pfvn' ADDED INTERNS: 'mmp', 'mxmn', 'cscl', 'cpath', 'ti' PLUS "mc" to "mca" in fact(), pi.rels(), and decomp() version 2.9 (21-September-2018) ----------------------------- ADDED: 'fact', 'mlvl' ADDED INTERNS: 'strng', 'edgS' DEPRECATED: 'convert', 'relabel', 'iinc', 'is.mc' DEPRECATED INTERNS: 'orden', 'slc', 'symclos', 'tclos' version 2.8 (16-December-2017) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + Function 'as.semigroup' allows including generators + 'diagram' allows specifying costumized labels, shapes and colors of vertices and edges + 'mnplx' allows specifying clustering information OTHER CHANGES: + 'edgeT' and 'wordT' produces respective class object + Internal function 'jnt' preserves order when "unique" is TRUE * "diag" replaces "diag.incl" in various functions * Minor changes in 'pi.rels', 'zbind', 'transf', 'perm' - Functions 'convert' and 'relabel' have been DEPRECATED version 2.7 (16-August-2017) ----------------------------- CHANGES: * 'perm' allows costumized labels * 'comps' handles diagonal matrices * 'as.signed' captures matrix labels + Minor fixes in 'transf' version 2.6 (3-May-2017) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + Function 'transf' is extended to 3D arrays and lists of vectors BUG FIXED: * 'zbind' handles correct arrays with arbitrary order in dimnames * 'summaryBundles' works right bundles with costumized separators OTHER CHANGES: + Internal function 'trnf' ADDED (works like 'transf') * Argument "lbs" replaces "labels" in various functions * Argument "equat" replaces "print.eqs" in 'iinc' + Minor fixes in 'pi.rels' and improvements in updated functions version 2.5 (23-January-2017) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + Function 'read.srt' has the possibility to add isolates BUGS FIXED: * Selection works now in 'rel.sys' OTHER CHANGES: * For compatibility with the 'base' package, "sep" is used to specify the pairwise separator in various functions; "prsep" is DEPRECATED version 2.2 (12-October-2016) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + Function 'read.srt' supports valued networks BUGS FIXED: * n-tuple entrainments (n>2) where counted twice by 'bnd' OTHER CHANGES: + Minor improvements in 'zbind', 'rel.sys', and 'jnt' version 2.1 (14-September-2016) ------------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + 'fltr' is not restricted only to `principal` filters or ideals + 'read.dl' can read unlabeled networks as well BUGS FIXED: * Fixed bug in 'bundles' for networks with n-tuple entrainments (n>2), and wihtout mixed patterns (from a notification made by Alex Smith) * 'read.gml', 'pi.rels', and 'is.mc' now update to the new argmunents from 'transf' * 'transf' failed to process list whose length was different to the value of argument "ord" with the "toarray" option OTHER CHANGES: + Internal function 'bnd' ADDED for 'bundles' and 'bundle.census' + 'partial.order' and 'cph' reports "Partial.Order" class objects version 2.0 (8-July-2016) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + NEW FUNCTION 'read.dl' to read Ucinet DL files + Combinations of bundle types is possible to specify in 'rel.sys' + Function 'zbind' now also works with rectangular arrays BUGS FIXED: * 'bundles' failed to recognize n-tuple tie entrainments when n>=3 * 'bundle.census' incorporates all corrections made for 'bundles' OTHER CHANGES: + 'transf' and 'rel.sys' replace arguments that are more convenient "matlist" -> "tolist"; "listmat" -> "toarray" + Minor changes in functions with customized pair separators + Section "3 Bipartite graphs" in the Vignette has been updated version 1.9.3 (16-June-2016) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + NEW FUNCTION 'mnplx' to make multiple networks as monoplex structures + Bonds argument in 'rel.sys' permits specifying particular bundle types and the selection option now works with empty matrices + 'diagram' allows graphical parameters such as background color, and restores the original margen parameters after the plotting BUGS FIXED: * Fix 'galois' for objects or/and attributes with identical profiles * 'comps' accepts networks (levels) with empty ties * 'zbind' retrieves the tie label for arrays like [n,m,1] OTHER CHANGES: + 'rbox' handles paths until k = 9 + 'bundles' ensures working with binary matrices to speed up computations version 1.9 (29-Apr-2016) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + NEW FUNCTION 'comps' that returns the distinct components of the multiple network plus the isolates + New argument in 'rel.sys' to select just a set of actors from the network + 'dichot' has the option to omit the array diagonals in the transformation BUGS FIXED: * The symbolic 'semigroup' works properly for structures with no compounds * Bug fixed in 'signed' OTHER CHANGES: + 'read.srt' respects the lexicographic order of the first column for actors + 'bundles' handles properly two dimensional arrays with the form [n,m,1] version 1.8.2 (8-Mar-2016) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + 'rel.sys' allows transformations from arrays to pair-lists and vice-versa + 'perm' and 'reduc' accepts non-sequential integers, character, and NAs in clustering. + 'perm' has also a new argument to reverse the clustering order + 'neighb' can use integers to refer the actors BUGS FIXED: * 'diagram.levels' failed to process single layered partial order structures * 'neighb' does not give an error for systems with k=1 and expand=TRUE * 'signed' and 'bundles' have been re-written and they should work properly OTHER CHANGES: + Output labels in 'bundles' now matches the labels of 'summaryBundles' + Function 'read.gml' can import the coordenated system (with new internals) version 1.7.1 (3-Sep-2015) ----------------------------- Vignette is fixed. version 1.7 (1-Sep-2015) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + NEW FUNCTION 'neighb' for finding the neighbourhood of an actor or a group of actors with customized distances + NEW FUNCTION 'as.signed' for coercing an object into a "Signed" class + Function 'expos' depends only from the output of 'rel.sys', it has new arguments, and it is generalized to various kinds of node attributes + 'rel.sys' supports loops, actor attributes, and reports pairwise separator + Function 'fltr' has new argument to make explicit finding principal ideals, and now the reference element can be a named object or an atribute as well + Data sets include also the original matrices with their images + 'dichot' supports non-positive cut-off real values + 'summaryBundles' has new argument for expanding tie patterns and collapsing tie labels BUG FIXED: * 'write.srt' failed to process networks without isolated actors OTHER CHANGES: + Namespaces for needed global functions have been added (CRAN request) + Small improvements in internal functions; 'flt' is ADDED - Internal function 'slc' is DEPRECATED + Vignette is expanded version 1.6 (19-May-2015) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + NEW FUNCTION 'fltr' to find principal filters (or ideals) in partial orders + Small improvements in internal functions BUG FIXED: * Fixed bug in the full labeling of 'galois', which can have consequences in the partial ordering of the concepts version 1.5 (30-Apr-2015) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + NEW FUNCTION 'galois' provides Galois derivations between two subsets + 'partial.order' has new argument to handle the Galois derivations + Adjustments in 'read.srt' for attribute data files (to work with 'galois') + Function 'transf' now transforms non-square arrays into lists + Equations within generators are now reported in 'strings' + Loops are now supported both in 'bundles' and 'bundle.census' + 'bundles', 'summaryBundles' & 'rel.sys' allow specifying pairwise separator + Now it is possible to disable the nodes' labels in 'bundles' + Function 'read.gml' has a new argument for reading as srt or as array, and now it can read GML files without the "graphics" tag used for multiplex ties + Some needed internal functions now handle empty vectors or large semigroups + VIGNETTE is added BUGS FIXED: * Fixed a small bug in 'cngr' when elements in a numerical semigroup are taken sometimes(?) as characters * Bug fixed in 'bundle.census' when networks without actor labels have labeled relations OTHER CHANGES: -+ For consistency reasons 'po.levels' is RENAMED into 'diagram.levels' - Internal function 'orden' is DEPRECATED version 1.2 (5-Feb-2014) ----------------------------- ADDED FEATURES: + NEW FUNCTION 'po.levels' for classifying the elements in the partial order structure resulted from 'diagram' + Function 'rels.sys' now includes the number of ties in the chosen relational system (as size) + Function 'read.srt' works now with valued data including reals + Function 'rm.isol' now includes arrays with NULL labels (which usually results from the 'reduc' function) BUGS FIXED: * Function 'read.srt' works now properly with single networks * Fixed a bug in 'bundles' for simple patterns not occurring in the network * Fixed a small bug in 'bundles' for tie exchange when a matrix is specified * Function 'bundle.census' now stops when the input data is not an array version 1.0 (28-Aug-2013) ----------------------------- + Package is RELEASED