THIS IS THE CHANGELOG OF THE "micEconSNQP" PACKAGE Please note that only the most recent and the most significant changes are reported here. A full ChangeLog is available in the log messages of the Git repository at GitHub: CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6-10 (2022/06/20) * the package can now be checked without 'suggested' packages CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6-8 (2020/02/10) * removed the output file of the test script (i.e., /tests/, because the test script gives slightly different results on different platforms but CRAN does not accept deviations between output file in the package and the results on various platforms. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6-6 (2014/04/22) * 'micEconSNQP' no longer depends on packages 'miscTools", 'systemfit', 'MASS', and 'micEcon' but it imports packages 'miscTools", 'systemfit', and 'MASS' and it suggests package 'micEcon' CHANGES IN VERSION 0.6-4 (2013/11/06) * improved documentation of snqProfitEst(), particularly the description of arguments 'scalingFactors' and 'base'