2009-03-02 Søren Højsgaard * mhsmm package version 0.1.0 submitted to CRAN 2009-03-31 Jared O'Connell * changed hmm and hsmm to hmmfit and hsmmfit respectively * added 'smoothed' method to predict.hmm and predict.hsmm 2009-08-30 Jared O'Connell * some arguments for hsmmfit, hsmmspec, predict.hsmmspec as well as the respective HMM functions have been altered giving them a more sensible structure * added a "lock.transition" argument to hmmfit * added a Vignette on smoothing discrete data 2009-09-24 Jared O'Connell *added an example to the reprocows dataset 2010-02-19 Jared O'Connell *fixed some documentation errors 2010-05-19 Jared O'Connell *fixed some warnings *changed some argument names to more sensible ones *cleaned up documentation 2010-07-14 Søren Højsgaard * smooth.discrete function added * a vignette on smooth.discrete added. 2010-11-28 Jared O'Connell * added predict.hsmmspec/predict.hmmspec so models where parameters are already known can be used for prediction 2011-04-05 Jared O'Connell * added log-likelihoods to output from predict.hmm and predict.hsmm 2011-04-22 Jared O'Connell * fixed a bug in hmmfit 2011-06-16 Jared O'Connell * fixed memory problem in predict.hsmm 2011-03-06 Søren Højsgaard * JSS paper on the mhsmm package published * Version 0.4.0 submitted to CRAN 2012-09-03 Jared O'Connell * Version 0.4.5 submitted to CRAN * Fixed a bug that occurred when simulating from non-parametric sojourn distributions 2012-10-08 Jared O'Connell * Version 0.4.6 * Fixed another bug that occurred when simulating from non-parametric sojourn distributions 2013-01-26 Jared O'Connell * Minor bug fixes 2013-06-12 Jared O'Connell * Version 0.4.9 * Minor bug fixes 2013-06-23 Jared O'Connell * Version 0.4.11 * Minor bug fixes 2014-01-06 Jared O'Connell * Version 0.4.12 * Added more verbose error messages * Minor bug fix 2014-12-21 Jared O'Connell * Version 0.4.13 * Fixed typos in documentation * Minor fix to DESCRIPTION encoding 2014-12-22 Jared O'Connell * Version 0.4.14 * Fixed problem with title in DESCRIPTION 2016-03-11 Jared O'Connell * bugfix in likelihood calculation in predict.hsmm 2016-06-08 Jared O'Connell * Better reporting of convergence problems * Renamed some variables to reduce ambiguity 2016-11-25 Jared O'Connell * adding travis tests 2017-01-14 Jared O'Connell * fixed a minor bug where estimated non-parametric sojourn distribution was not propagated in hsmmfit output * version 0.4.15 2023-08-22 Jared O'Connell * switched to UTF-8 * version 0.4.20 * fixed various minor warnings