title: "AEMET service"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{AEMET service}
chunk_output_type: console
```{r, include = FALSE}
# use eval = NOT_CRAN in the chunks connecting to API, to avoid errors or warnings in CRAN checks
NOT_CRAN <- identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true")
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
purl = NOT_CRAN
# env keyring
withr::local_options(list("keyring_backend" = "env"))
```{r setup}
# AEMET service
[AEMET](https://www.aemet.es/en/portada) is the Spanish national meteorologic service, and is the national meteorology
authority providing quality data for public and research use, as well as prediction products and disaster
warning system. `meteospain` only access to the automatic meteorological stations network data.
## AEMET options
### Temporal resolution
`meteospain` offers access to the AEMET API at different temporal resolutions:
- "current_day", returning the latest 24 hours of measures for all or selected stations.
- "daily", returning the daily aggregated measures for all or selected stations.
- "monthly", returning the monthly aggregated measures for **only one** station.
- "yearly", returning the yearly aggregated measures for **only one** station.
In "daily", a `start_date` (and optionally an `end_date`) arguments must be provided, indicating the period
from which retrieve the data.
In "monthly" and "yearly", only the years in `start_date` and `end_date` are used, returning all year
monthly or yearly values (*i.e* `start_date = as.Date("2020-12-01")` is the same as
`start_date = as.Date("2020-01-01")` as both will return all 2020 measures).
### Stations
`meteospain` access the data in the AEMET API collecting all stations. If a character vector of stations codes
is supplied in the `stations` argument, a filter step is done before returning the data to maintain only
the stations supplied.
The exception for this are "monthly" and "yearly" temporal resolutions. AEMET API only allows for
one station to be retrieved.
AEMET API only allow access to the data with a personal API Key. This token must be included in the
`api_key` argument of `aemet_options` function.
To obtain the API Key, please visit https://opendata.aemet.es/centrodedescargas/inicio and follow the
instructions at "Obtencion de API Key".
> It is not advisable to use the keys directly in any script shared or publicly available (github...),
neither store them in plain text files. One option is using the
[keyring package](https://github.com/r-lib/keyring) for managing and accessing keys:
```{r aemet_key, eval=FALSE}
key_set('aemet') # A prompt asking for the secret (the API Key) will appear.
### Examples
```{r aemet_options, eval=NOT_CRAN, results='hide'}
# current day, all stations
api_options <- aemet_options(
resolution = 'current_day',
api_key = key_get('aemet')
```{r aemet_options_fake, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
# current day, all stations
fake_api <- aemet_options(
resolution = 'current_day',
api_key = 'my_api_key'
```{r aemet_options_2, eval=NOT_CRAN, results='hide'}
# daily, all stations
api_options <- aemet_options(
resolution = 'daily',
start_date = as.Date('2020-04-25'), end_date = as.Date('2020-05-08'),
api_key = key_get('aemet')
```{r aemet_options_fake_2, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
# daily, all stations
fake_api <- aemet_options(
resolution = 'daily',
start_date = as.Date('2020-04-25'), end_date = as.Date('2020-05-08'),
api_key = 'my_api_key'
```{r aemet_options_3, eval=NOT_CRAN, results='hide'}
# monthly, only one station because AEMET API limitations
api_options <- aemet_options(
resolution = 'monthly',
start_date = as.Date('2020-04-25'), end_date = as.Date('2020-05-25'),
station = "0149X",
api_key = key_get('aemet')
```{r aemet_options_fake_3, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
# monthly, only one station because AEMET API limitations
fake_api <- aemet_options(
resolution = 'monthly',
start_date = as.Date('2020-01-01'), end_date = as.Date('2020-12-31'),
station = "0149X",
api_key = 'my_api_key'
## AEMET stations info
Accessing station metadata for AEMET is simple:
```{r aemet_stations, eval = NOT_CRAN}
get_stations_info_from('aemet', api_options)
## AEMET data
```{r aemet_data, eval = NOT_CRAN}
api_options <- aemet_options(
resolution = 'daily',
start_date = as.Date('2020-04-25'),
api_key = key_get('aemet')
spain_20200425 <- get_meteo_from('aemet', options = api_options)
```{r aemet_data_plot, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, fig.align='center', eval = NOT_CRAN}
spain_20200425 |>
units::drop_units() |>
ggplot() +
geom_sf(aes(colour = mean_temperature)) +
spain_20200425 |>
ggplot() +
geom_histogram(aes(x = precipitation))