Changes in lqmm ============================================= Version 1.0 (April 29, 2012) - Package lqmm on CRAN ============================================= Version 1.01 (May 30, 2012) - Added functions - Fixed bugs in ll_h_R and ll_h_d (lqmm.c) - Amended cov.sel (lqmm.R) and psi_mat (lqmm.c) ============================================= Version 1.02 (September 15, 2012) - Changed lqmControl and lqmmControl parameters (less stringent convergence thresholds) (lqmm.R) - Changed quadrature default in lqmm (lqmm.R) - Changed to the function boot.lqmm (lqmm.R) which provides bootstrapped standard errors of the coefficients estimates. The starting values used in each bootstrap sample are by default those from a least squares fit (startQR = FALSE). In previous versions of the package, starting values were taken from the fitted object (startQR = TRUE) to speed up convergence in each bootstrap sample. However, this causes the standard errors to be under-estimated ============================================= Version 1.03 (April 30, 2013) - Improved documentation - Changed default lqmmControl(method = "df") to lqmmControl(method = "gs") (lqmm.R) - References updated - Fixed bug in covHandling (lqmm.R) - Produce warning when likelihood ratio test is negative ============================================= Version 1.04 (November 1, 2013) - Changed license from GPL >= 3 to GPL >= 2 - Added vignette lqmm_manual.pdf - Improved code and documentation - Corrected bug in lqm.counts (in previous package versions standard errors were NOT divided by sqrt(n)) - New functions for lqm.counts objects ============================================= Version 1.5 (May 1, 2014) - Changed versioning - S3 methods registered - Introduced new generic functions boot, extractBoot - Function raneff.lqmm renamed ranef.lqmm - Function cov.lqmm renamed VarCorr.lqmm - Imported nlme generic ranef and VarCorr ============================================= Version 1.5.1 (December 10, 2014) - Changed maintainer's email address - Corrected bug in qal - Added constraint on tau in asymmetric Laplace distribution functions - Added warning when user defines sigma < 0 in asymmetric Laplace distribution functions ============================================= Version 1.5.2 (September 21, 2015) - Corrected bug in predict.lqm - Corrected bug in varAL - Removed rounding of values of 'tau' from lqm and lqmm - New lqm routine ("gs2") more stable with larger datasets. Default is "gs1". See ?lqmControl for details - New function predint.lqmm to calculate prediction intervals in lqmm - Replaced ChangeLog with NEWS (which is more appropriate) - Acknowledgements: thanks to Nathan Pace for reporting bugs and other issues ============================================= Version 1.5.3 (January 28, 2016) - Updated function VarCorr for compatibility with nlme 3.1-123 ============================================= Version 1.5.4 (April 7, 2018) - Fixed bug in createLaguerre - lqmgsR: changed gradient (no division by n) - Added smooth approximation loss function - Registered dll routines - Fixed CRAN message 'Note: break used in wrong context: no loop is visible' - Removed LRT from lqmm summary ============================================= Version 1.5.5 (December 12, 2019) - Fixed CRAN error related to _R_CLASS_MATRIX_ARRAY_ starting from R 4.0.0 - Fixed bug in boot.lqm - Fixed bug in boot.lqmm ============================================= Version 1.5.6 (November 4, 2021) - CRAN request to define USE_FC_LEN_T in headers, obligatory starting from R 4.2.0 - Added newdata argument in predict.lqmm - Changed maintainer's email ============================================= Version 1.5.7 (November 25, 2021) - fixed bug in boot.lqmm (try(..., silent = TRUE)) - Fixed bug in predict.lqmm (thanks to Max Gordon) ============================================= Version 1.5.8 (April 5, 2022) - CRAN request to fix BLAS