0.2.3 =========== * There are no user-visible changes. This fixes an error with testing on CRAN based on RNG differences. 0.2.3 =========== BUG FIXES * `rbootnoise` argument added to residual bootstrap to bypass "system is exactly singular" issues with lme4 models (Credit to Ilmari Tamminen) * Eliminated unnecessary warnings for unnamed vectors with type = "reb2". * `bootstrap_pvals()` added mean centering for correction to the calculation 0.2.2 =========== NEW FEATURES * Additional auxilliary distributions were added for the Wild bootstrap. There are now 6 options, including the standard normal. * `.refit` argument can be set to FALSE in order to return the only bootstrap responses. * `bootstrap_pvals()` appends bootstrap p-values to the summary table for the fixed effects * `combine_pvals()` provides a way to combine the results of `bootstrap_pvals()` for parallel runs. BUG FIXES * `plot.lmeresamp()` now works if the replicates are a numeric vector rather than a data frame or tibble. * bug fixed when `na.action = na.omit` * fixed issue with transformed variables in `glmer` 0.2.1 =========== * Unarchiving from CRAN DEPENDENCY CHANGE * Remove `catchr` dependency to avoid issues on CRAN BUG FIXES * message/error/warning summarization in `summary.lmeresamp` has been fixed * If `var` is omitted from `plot.lmeresamp()` a halfeye plot with all terms is created. 0.2.0 ===== * The case, parametric, and residual bootstraps now suppport `glmerMod` objects. * The Wild bootstrap is available for `lme` and `lmerMod` objects. * The CGR bootstrap is now the default "residual" bootstrap algorithm. * Objects returned by the `bootstrap()` call are now of class `lmeresamp`. * `lmeresamp` objects have a new structure, including a new `stats` dataframe (contains the observed value, bootstrap mean, standard error, and bias of each LME model parameter). * New generic `print()` function that is compatible with `lmeresamp` objects * New generic `confint()` function that is compatible with `lmeresamp` objects (the possible confidence intervals include: basic, normal, percentile, or all) * A package vignette is now available * Vignette outlines how to perform parallelization in `bootstrap()` using the `doParallel` and `foreach` packages * New `combine()` function that combines processes split for parallelization for unified output 0.1.1 ===== * Unarchiving from CRAN - back to active development * Updating for use with the new version of dplyr (>= 0.8.0) * Bug fixed for `case_bootstrap.lme ` so that `.cases.resamp` can be found Version 0.1.0 ============= * Initial release, enjoy!