version 0.1.7 - fixed bug in is_totally_unimodular() (thanks to Divya Padmanabhan for the bug report) - replaced occurrences of sprintf() with snprintf() as of new CRAN policy (thanks to Brian Ripley for the head's up) version 0.1.6 - subst_values() gains 'eps' argument and by default substitutes zero for all values x with |x|<=1e-8. version 0.1.5 - Fix in 'compact': pairs of inequations were not detected correctly. - Added 'rmarkdown' to 'Suggests' as requested by CRAN version 0.1.3 - Updated uses of .Call to include PACKAGE="lintools" (thanks to Harm Jan Boonstra) - Switched to the 'tinytest' testing framework version 0.1.2 - 'compact' now removes duplicate rows from linear systems (controlled by new argument 'deduplicate'). - bugfix: in some cases, 'compact' would return the wrong value for 'neq'. - bugfix in 'compact': cases of differing b_i and b_j, Ai. + Aj. = 0, and both of type '<=' would incorrectly be combined to an equality. version - bugfix in 'eliminate': faulty update of H matrix led to crashes in some cases. - bugfix in 'compact': ins some cases the wrong neq was returned. version - bugfix in ranges. Crashed on some cases where matrices w/zero rows were created. - native routines now registered as requested by CRAN version - new function 'is_totally_unimodular' - new function 'ranges' computes variable ranges implied by a system of (in)equations - eliminate gains argument 'eps' to control numerical accuracy - deprecated sparseConstraints in favor of the more consistent name sparse_constraints - bugfix: pinv crashed on matrices with a single s.v. - bugfix: eliminate would sometimes report the wrong number of (in)equalities - bugfix: eliminate sometimes crashed because of a mismatch in colnames of history matrix version 0.1.0 - Initial release