--- title: "Using lifepack" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Using lifepack} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Introduction The `lifepack` package provides functions for actuarial calculations, including calculating reserves and equivalence premiums. # Example Usage ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(lifepack) ``` Here’s an example of how to calculate an equivalence premium: ```{r example} Lambda <- function(x) { A <- matrix(0, 3, 3) A[1, 2] <- (0.0004 + 10^(4.54 + 0.06*(x+30)-10))*ifelse(x <= 35, 1, 0) A[1,3] <- A[1,2] A[2,1] <- 2.0058 * exp(-0.117*(x+30)) * ifelse(x <= 35,1,0) A[2,3] <- A[1,3]*(1+ifelse(x <= 35,1,0)) row_sums <- rowSums(A) diag(A) <- -row_sums return(A) } R <- function(x, mu) { if (x <= 35) { return(diag(c(-mu , 400000, 0))) } else { return(diag(c(400000, 400000,0))) } } dR <- function(x, mu) { if (x <= 35) { return(diag(c(-1, 0,0))) } else { return(diag(c(0,0,0))) } } rentefun <- function(x) { 0.01 + 0.001 * x } # Dynamic interest rate prodint(Lambda, 0,80, 1000) reserve(0, 80, Lambda, R, mu = 200000, r = 0.01, n = 1000) sreserve(0,80, Lambda, R, mu=200000, r = rentefun, 1000) equiv_premium(0, 1, Lambda, R, dR, mu = 0.05, r = 0.03, n = 1000)