Changes in version: lamle_0.3.1 * Changed package title to be within 65 characters. * Removed \dontrun{} wrapper in help files or changed to \donttest{} (when timing >5s). * Added examples in help files to all visible functions. * Main function lamle() no longer writes info directly to console, and instead uses message(). * The lamle.plot() function now restores the original par() options upon function exit. Changes in version: lamle_0.3.0 * First public version. * Fixed issues in help files and package formatting. Changes in version: lamle_0.2.8 * Changed output structure for lamle to have a new S4 class 'lamleout'. * Argument theta.tol to function lamle() renamed to z.tol. * Added computation of expected and observed information matrices for latent variable estimation to the lamle.predict() function. Changes in version: lamle_0.2.7 * Added computation of output from lamle-objects (function lamle.compute()). * Added plotting methods for lamle-objects (function lamle.plot()). * Added MLE scores (function lamle.predict()). Changes in version: lamle_0.2.6 * Revised help file for lamle() function.