Planned changes in next versions: * combine function that allows parallel computation * more refactoring to reduce the memory footprint (store indices instead subsets) * stratified sampling when creating row partitions to avoid problems when too many row partitions * check for constants in subsets --------------------------------------------------------------- Change log: * Version 0.3.0: Sep 2015 -added predict.all parameter -fixed a bug related to the filter parameter * Version 0.2.2: May 2015 -improved oversampling in balanced cases -automatically remove constants and/ or near constants (filter parameter) * Version 0.2.1: May 2015 -stratified sampling when making training and test set -parameter for oversampling to avoid problems related to subsetting -added oversampling * Version 0.2.0: March 2014 -fix print when loading package -allow parameters for genetic algorithm and random forest -Refactoring: improved code readability and reduced complexity to improve maintainability -switched to roxygen for documentation -replaced package ROCR with AUC for faster evaluation of objective function -updated reference * Version 0.1.2: May 2013 -Fixed a bug that could occur in very rare cases * Version 0.1.1: February 2013 -Fixed a bug that occured for data frames with only numeric features * Version 0.1.0: November 2012 -Package submitted to CRAN with two functions: kernelFactory and predict.kernelFactory