1.12.0-2 - Vendor rust code as requested by CRAN - CRAN request: use role="aut" for rust dependencies - CRAN request: use -j2 instead of CARGO_BUILD_JOBS=2 1.12.0-1 - Windows: add -lntdll linker flag required by Rust 1.70 1.12.0 - Update embedded libgifski to upstream 1.12.0 - Windows: if Cargo is available, default to source build of libgifski 1.6.6-1 - Fix for legacy Windows Vista/2008 (for the old winbuilder) 1.6.6 - Update vendored gifski to upstream 1.6.6 - Note gifski 1.6.6 requires at least Rust 1.56 / Windows 7. On older systems we fall back on the previous gifski 1.4.3 version. This includes the old CRAN winbuilder used for R < 4.2. 1.4.3-1: - Add libgifski ucrt64 binary 1.4.3 - Major update in gifski rust library. This also required different threading implementation in the bindings. - Add workaround for compiling with old rustc compilers - Add workaround for linking error with experimental UCRT toolchain 0.8.7 - CRAN insists that we override the standard cargo/rust behaviour which stores registry and crate data in ~/.cargo, because policy. So we now build with CARGO_HOME set to a temporary dir that is deleted afterwards. This probably makes this slower and more error prone, but I don't make these rules. 0.8.6 - Update gifski crate to 0.8.6 - save_gif() now properly closes graphics device when expr errors - More rubust C code to prevent segfaults on write errors - File paths are now converted to UTF-8 as described in gifski.h