0.1 First try. Only does sign test and associated confidence interval. 0.2 Now does Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon (two sample) test and associate c. i. 0.3 Finally!!! Now does Wilcoxon (one sample) test and associate c. i. 0.3-1 Removed test under WinDoze that makes it segfault under WinDoze. 0.3-2 CHAR macro in Rinternals.h now returns const char * (or gcc now warns about). Anyway need to make corresponding changes in my code. Also wording of blather from various bits of R had changed so updated .Rout.save in tests directory accordingly Also to typos had been corrected in inst/doc/design.tex but were not in the the previous version. 0.3-3 Made R CMD check (2.15.1) not barf 0.3-4 Licence issues 0.3-5 Extensive additions to design doc (inst/doc/design.tex) to go with submission of paper 0.3-6 explicitly import from stats, graphics as required by R-3.3.0 0.3-7 got rid of .Platform$OS.type == "unix" in tests because of complaint from CRAN 0.3-8 modernize registration of native routines 0.3-9 add DOI to reference in DESCRIPTION file also comment out one test with confusing result in tests/sign-ci.R 0.4 call C functions wilcox_free and signrank_free as per Writing R Extensions