## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------- # # Create format catalog # c1 <- fcat(num_fmt = "%.1f", # label_fmt = value(condition(x == "A", "Label A"), # condition(x == "B", "Label B"), # condition(TRUE, "Other")), # date_fmt = "%d%b%Y") # # # Use formats in the catalog # fapply(2, c1$num_fmt) # # [1] "2.0" # # fapply(c("A", "B", "C", "B"), c1$label_fmt) # # [1] "Label A" "Label B" "Other" "Label B" # # fapply(Sys.Date(), c1$date_fmt) # # [1] "22Jul2021" # # # Convert to a data frame # dat <- as.data.frame(c1) # dat # # Name Type Expression Label Order # # 1 num_fmt S %.1f NA # # 2 label_fmt U x == "A" Label A NA # # 3 label_fmt U x == "B" Label B NA # # 4 label_fmt U TRUE Other NA # # 5 date_fmt S %d%b%Y NA # # # Save format catalog for later use # write.fcat(c1, tempdir()) #