1.3-0 (2023-11-17) - Faria, J. C. * Adjustment of files encoding as required by the CRAN. * Adjustments and improvements were made to the documentation of the package and functions. 1.2-6 (2021-10-11) - Faria, J. C. * The "na.omit" function, previously used in several methods of the package, has been removed. The main use was in the functions: "fdt.default", "make.ft.multiple", "fdt_cat.default", "fdt_cat.matrix" and "fdt_cat.data.frame". * Added "na.rm" argument to methods associated with default FALSE. If you have NA values that can influence the structure of the table, the user will receive a error message. 1.2-5 (2020-04-17) - Allaman, I. B. * Correction of wording of argument x in file fdt.Rd. Removed the snippet "or character/factor ('fdt_cat')". * The functions latex.fdt, latex.fdt_cat, latex.fdt_cat.multiple, print.latex.fdt and summary.latex.fdt was deprecated. Add the new class to the xtable function: xtable.fdt and xtable.fdt.multiple. * Corrected bug in plot.fdt.default function, types "cdh" and "cdp". The relative frequencies not was divide by h (amplitude of the class). * Add news arguments in the plot.fdt.multiple: grouped - if the "by" argument is different from NULL, then the users have the option the to plot factors in a the same graphics; args.legend - a list with the same arguments of the legend function of the graphics package. 1.2-4 (2018-02-17) - Allaman, I. B. * Only available on GitHub (under test) * Remove "tmp" object of the fdt.default.R function in the 51 line. That object was desnecessary. 1.2-3 (2015-12-28) - Allaman, I. B. * Only available on GitHub (under test) * Added the "round" argument in the functions latex.fdt_cat and latex.fdt_cat.multiple 1.2-2 (2015-04-13) - Faria, J. C. * Only available on GitHub (under test) * The documentation has been improved 1.2-1 (2015-04-09) - Allaman, I. B. * Ivan Bezerra Allaman has began to work in the project as co-author. * Added the "by" argument to fdt_cat.data.frame function. As consequence, the print.fdt_cat.multiple, plot.fdt_cat.multiple, make.fdt_cat.multiple, fdt_cat.matrix functions were changed. * Was added the latex.fdt_cat.multiple function to give suport the objects of the fdt_cat.multiple class * The Rd files make.fdt_cat.simple, make.fdt_cat.multiple, make.fdt.format.classes, make.fdt.multiple and make.fdt.simple were moved from the documentation 1.2-0 (2014-10-13) - Faria, J. C. * Thanks to Ivan B. Allaman to the bug fix of the function make.fdt.simple.R * It was added basic suport to categorical variables * Some bugs were corrected 1.1-8 (2013-11-22) - Faria, J. C. * plot.fdth.multiple: x11() was replaced by the portable way dev.new() * The documentation has been deeply improved * Export LaTeX table of the frequency distribution table (latex.fdt) 1.1-7 (2012-04-02) - Faria, J. C. * Cosmetic changes to meet the requirements of CRAN 1.1-6 (2011-08-21) - Faria, J. C. * The S3 methods print.fdt.default and print.fdt.multiple were improved. * The S3 methods summary.fdt.default and summary.fdt.multiple were improved. 1.1-5 (2011-05-07) - Faria, J. C. * The S3 methods plot.default and plot.multiple were improved. Both enable adding the count values to all types of plot 1.1-3 (2011-04-12) - Faria, J. C. * The MASS package is not essential and was removed from some examples to avoid NOTES in compilation 1.1-2 (2010-05-27) - Faria, J. C. * The S3 methods plot.default and plot.multiple were improved 1.1-1 (2010-05-22) - Faria, J. C. * The slot data was removed from the fdt object * The S3 methods plot.default and plot.multiple were improved 1.1-0 (2010-05-20) - Faria, J. C. * Released to CRAN 1.0-0 (2010-05-16) - Faria, J. C. * Restrict to testers