Changes in Version 1.0-8 o Updated reference output (due to changes in the random sample() generation in 3.6.0) Changes in Version 1.0-7 o Updated contact information. Changes in Version 1.0-6 o Set model=TRUE. This is required by the upcoming version partykit. Changes in Version 1.0-5 o CRAN checks turned up problems in C++ code oldrel Windows. These are fixed now. Changes in Version 1.0-4 o CRAN checks turned up problems in C++ code on Solaris. These are fixed now. Changes in Version 1.0-3 o Replaced deprecated Rmath.h functions 'floorf', 'imax2', 'imin2', 'fmax2', 'fmin2' with the appropriate functions from C++11. o Added registration of native routines using 'R_registerRoutines' and 'R_useDynamicSymbols'. Changes in Version 1.0-2 o Fixed the setup for the model.frame which did not work if all variables (including the response) were continuous and contained no ties. o Fixed incorrect factor level for "status" variable in the GermanCredit data. "... < 100 DM" should be "... < 0 DM". Changes in Version 1.0-1 o Replaced math.h functions 'max', 'min' and 'round' with the appropriate Rmath.h functions ('imax2', 'imin2', 'fmax2', 'fmin2' and 'fround'). o Added importFrom("stats", "model.weights", "runif", "var") in NAMESPACE. Changes in Version 1.0-0 o New release accompanying the paper about evtree in the Journal of Statistical Software, see citation("evtree"). o Replaced C level random number generator rand() with R random number handing and the unif_rand() function. Changes in Version 0.1-5 o Updated contact data. o CRAN checks showed memory access errors. These are fixed now. Changes in Version 0.1-4 o Updated contact data. o Updated test output for examples and vignette for improved package checks. Changes in Version 0.1-3 o Improvements in package vignette. Changes in Version 0.1-2 o Added test output for examples and vignette for improved package checks. o Improvements in package vignette. o Added CITATION: working paper on evtree. Changes in Version 0.1-1 o CRAN checks turned up problems in C++ code on Fedora and Solaris. These are fixed now. Changes in Version 0.1-0 o First CRAN release. o See vignette("evtree", package = "evtree") for an introduction.