# elect 1.2 (Release date: April 4th, 2019) Changes: - All instances of "ELECT" changed to "elect". Including data: "electData" - R files reorganised: each function now has its own file - Functions and can now be used without the .elect extension - In examples: argument death = TRUE in msm call changed to deathexact = TRUE - Function adapted: argument also works now for >3 states # elect 1.1.3 (Release date: January 6th, 2019) Changes: - Function now uses horizontal labels on y-axis - Function now also works for model with no covariates other than age - Function now also works with model for interval-censored death times # elect 1.1.2 (Release date: May 10th, 2018) Changes: - New function : to explore data for an age-dependent model - New function : to depict fitted hazards for an age-dependent model - Added variable to ELECTData: first observation indicator - In : minor change in presentation of state-distribution model - Examples in help files: data for state-distribution model is selected differently - In function : added component in return list: # elect 1.1.1 (Release date: March 4th, 2018) Changes: - Bug fixed w.r.t. the combination of using and in msm call - New error message for covariates mismatch in the elect call and in the msm call - Format of all error messsages tidied up # elect 1.1 (Release date: January 22nd, 2018) - First version of package on CRAN - Older versions of code can be found on the maintainer's homepage