--- title: "Basic 'cpp11armadillo' usage" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette bibliography: "references.bib" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to 'cpp11armadillo'} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` # Ordinary Least Squares Examples The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator is $\hat{\beta} = (X^tX)^{-1}(X^tY)$ for a design matrix $X$ and an outcome vector $Y$ [@Hansen2022]. The following code shows how to compute the OLS estimator using Armadillo and sending data from R to C++ and viceversa using `cpp11` and `cpp11armadillo` [@Sanderson2016]: ```cpp #include #include using namespace arma; using namespace cpp11; [[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> ols_mat_(const doubles_matrix<>& x) { Mat Y = as_Mat(x); // convert from R to C++ Mat Yinv = inv(Y); // Y^(-1) return as_doubles_matrix(Yinv); // convert from C++ to R } ``` The previous code includes the `cpp11` and `cpp11armadillo` libraries (cpp11armadillo calls Armadillo) to allow interfacing C++ with R. It also loads the corresponding namespaces in order to simplify the notation (i.e., using `Mat` instead of `arma::Mat`), and the function `as_Mat()` and `as_doubles_mat()` are provided by `cpp11armadillo` to pass a `matrix` object from R to C++ and that Armadillo can read and then pass it back to R. The use of `const` and `&` are specific to the C++ language and allow to pass data from R to C++ without copying the data, and therefore saving time and memory. `cpp11armadillo` provides flexibility and in the case of the resulting vector of OLS coefficients, it can be returned as a matrix or a vector. The following code shows how to create three functions to compute the OLS estimator and return the result as a matrix or a vector avoiding repeated code: ```cpp Mat ols_(const doubles_matrix<>& y, const doubles_matrix<>& x) { Mat Y = as_Mat(y); // Col Y = as_Col(y); also works Mat X = as_Mat(x); Mat XtX = X.t() * X; // X'X Mat XtX_inv = inv(XtX); // (X'X)^(-1) Mat beta = XtX_inv * X.t() * Y; // (X'X)^(-1)(X'Y) return beta; } [[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> ols_mat_(const doubles_matrix<>& y, const doubles_matrix<>& x) { Mat beta = ols_(y, x); return as_doubles_matrix(beta); } [[cpp11::register]] doubles ols_dbl_(const doubles_matrix<>& y, const doubles_matrix<>& x) { Mat beta = ols_(y, x); return as_doubles(beta); } ``` In the previous code, the `ols_mat_()` function receives inputs from R and calls `ols_()` to do the computation on C++ side, and `ols_dbl_()` does the same but it returns a vector instead of a matrix. # Eigenvalues benchmark A proper benchmark is to compute eigenvalues for large matrices. Both `cpp11armadillo` and `RcppArmadillo` use Armadillo as a backend, and the marginal observed differences are because of how cpp11 and Rcpp pass data from R to C++ and viceversa. The computation times are identical. |Input | Median time cpp11armadillo | Median time RcppArmadillo | |:---------|---------------------------:|--------------------------:| |500x500 | 35.07ms| 36.4ms| |1000x1000 | 260.28ms| 263.21ms| |1500x1500 | 874.62ms| 857.31ms| |2000x2000 | 2.21s| 2.21s| |Input | Memory allocation cpp11armadillo | Memory allocation RcppArmadillo | |:---------|---------------------------------:|--------------------------------:| |500x500 | 17.1KB| 4.62MB| |1000x1000 | 21KB| 4.62MB| |1500x1500 | 24.9KB| 4.63MB| |2000x2000 | 28.8KB| 4.63MB| The `cpp11armadillo` computation was obtained with the following function: ```cpp [[cpp11::register]] doubles_matrix<> eigen_sym_mat(const doubles_matrix<>& x) { Mat X = as_Mat(x); Mat y = eig_sym(X); return as_doubles_matrix(y); } ``` The `RcppArmadillo` computation was obtained with the following function: ```cpp #include // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]] using namespace Rcpp; // [[Rcpp::export]] arma::mat eigen_sym_mat(const arma::mat& x) { arma::mat y = eig_sym(x); return y; } ``` In order to get the `RcppArmadillo` function to work, we had to dedicate time to search online about the error `function 'enterRNGScope' not provided by package 'Rcpp'`, which required to include `// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]` for the function to work. # Additional Examples The package repository includes the directory `cpp11armadillotest`, which contains an R package that uses Armadillo, and that provides additional examples for eigenvalues, Cholesky and QR decomposition, and linear models. # References