--- title: "cossonet" author: "Jieun Shin" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Estimation of sparse nonlinear functions in nonparametric regression using component selection and smoothing.} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## Introduction The package \CRANpkg{cossonet} is an function that estimates sparse nonlinear components using the COSSO penalty. This package is available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network. This script describes a example of how to use the \CRANpkg{cossonet} package. ## Installation We first load the library for \CRANpkg{cossonet} and set a seed for reproducibility. ```{r, eval=FALSE} install.packages("cossonet") library(cossonet) set.seed(20250101) ``` ## Data generation The function `data_generation` generates example datasets with continuous response. We generate a training set with $n=200$ and $p=20$, and a test set with $n=1000$ and $p=20$. ```{r, eval=FALSE} tr = data_generation(n = 200, p = 20, SNR = 9, response = "continuous") te = data_generation(n = 1000, p = 20, SNR = 9, response = "continuous") ``` ## Model fitting The function `cossonet` is the main function that fits the model. We have to input training set in this function. And Specific values are required to the arguments, such as `family`, `lambda0`, and `lambda_theta`. ```{r, eval=FALSE} lambda0_seq = exp(seq(log(2^{-5}), log(2^{-1}), length.out = 20)) lambda_theta_seq = exp(seq(log(2^{-8}), log(2^{-5}), length.out = 20)) fit = cossonet(tr$x, tr$y, family = 'gaussian', lambda0 = lambda0_seq, lambda_theta = lambda_theta_seq ) ``` ## Prediction The function `cossonet.predict` is used to predict new data based on the fitted model. The output includes predicted values $\hat{f}$ (from `f.new`) and $\hat{\mu}$ (from `mu.new`) for the new data. The predicted value and predictive accuracy for the test set using our fitted model can be obtained by ```{r, eval=FALSE} pred = cossonet.predict(fit, te$x) mean((te$f - pred$f.new)^2) ``` ## References - Lin, Y., & Zhang, H. (2006). Component selection and smoothing in multivariate nonparametric regression. *Annals of Statistics*, **34**(5), 2272–2297. .