Changes in cnaOpt 0.5.2 (2022-07-08) * Minor adjustment as a consequence of an internal change in package cna Changes in cnaOpt 0.5.1 (2022-04-20) * fixed a minor bug in C++ code Changes in cnaOpt 0.5.0 (2021-12-17) * selectMax(): Improved handling of multiple optima - as a consequence, the function multipleMax() and the argument allConCov in conCovOpt() are now obsolete (but kept for backward compatibility). * New argument warn in selectMax(). * New argument maxCombs in ereduce() and DNFbuild(). * New default reduce="ereduce" instead of reduce="rreduce" in DNFbuild(). * ereduce(): Improved computational efficiency. * conCovOpt(): Reduced memory consumption. Changes in cnaOpt 0.4.0 (2021-07-08) * cnaOpt(), conCovOpt() and other functions: Type of data is now identified automatically, according to the amendment introduced in package cna's version 3.2.0. * New arguments in cnaOpt(): reduce, niter, approx, maxCombs. * conCovOpt() and findOutcomes() have new arguments rm.dup.factors and rm.const.factors. * Some computational improvements and bug fixes. Changes in cnaOpt 0.3.0 (2021-05-31, not submitted to CRAN) * rreduce() is now imported from package cna. Changes in cnaOpt 0.2.0 (2020-09-14) * Account for the renaming of function and class 'truthTab' as 'configTable' made in package cna 3.0.0.