## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = FALSE ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- # library(brickster) # # # using db_host() and db_token() to get credentials # clusters <- db_cluster_list(host = db_host(), token = db_token()) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # all host/token parameters default to db_host()/db_token() # clusters <- db_cluster_list() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # will use the `DEFAULT` profile in `.databrickscfg` # options(use_databrickscfg = TRUE) # # # values returned should be those in profile of `.databrickscfg` # db_host() # db_token() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # using .Renviron # db_host() # returns `DB_HOST` (.Renviron) # # # switch profile to 'prod' # options(db_profile = "prod") # db_host() # returns `DB_HOST_PROD` (.Renviron) # # # set back to default (NULL) # options(db_profile = NULL) # # use .databrickcfg # options(use_databrickscfg = TRUE) # db_host() # returns host from `DEFAULT` profile (.databrickscfg) # # options(db_profile = "prod") # db_host() # returns host from `prod` profile in (.datarickscfg) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # library(brickster) # db_cluster_list()