bfsMaps 2.0.0 (2023-04-30) ----------------------------- UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * All functions have been rewritten to use recommended sf package instead of rgdal, rgeos and maptools. * Updated to current maps version "Kartengeometrien ThemaKart - Set 2023" * d.bfsrg has "Gemeindestand 1.1.2023" DEPRECATED: * RemoveHoles() seems not to be needed anymore with the package based on sf. (If not so, refer to the previous version) bfsMaps 0.9.9 (2022-10-29) ----------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * PlotPremReg() can be used to plot Swiss premium regions. bfsMaps 0.9.8 (2022-09-29) ----------------------------- BUGFIXES: * UTF-8 Encoding for d.bfsrg still had not been set correctly. bfsMaps 0.9.7 (2022-09-20) ----------------------------- UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * BfsStamp() uses the option "bfsMaps.year" to define the year. * Some changes due to changes on the side of BfS. * Change to UTF-8 due to CRAN requirements. bfsMaps 0.9.6 (2020-12-16) ----------------------------- UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * Swisslocator() will store the results in the variable tkart$found. BUGFIXES: * Encoding for d.bfsrg had not been set correctly. * Encoding for the map@data has been fixed. bfsMaps 0.9.5 (2020-12-08) ----------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * RemoveHoles() would remove polygons within others. * DownloadBfSMaps() is a new helperfunction to install the map data on the user system. UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * rgeos is now suggested for convenience. BUGFIXES: * par must not be reset in PlotMapDot() * Swisslocator() had a problem with proj4string. bfsMaps 0.9.4 (2020-04-17) ----------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * AddWaters() is a simpler wrapper for adding rivers and lakes. UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * Some extensions in helpfiles. * Use R.rsp for building static vignette. BUGFIXES: * Loadmap will now look also in /bfsMaps/extdata for the maps.csv info file. * Swisslocator() will also return multiple clicks on the same spatial unit. bfsMaps 0.9.3 (2020-03-25) ----------------------------- * first version published on CRAN - 25.03.2020