Package: annmatrix ================== Version 0.1.2 [2023-05-14] BUG FIXES: * The class of 'annmatrix' objects now also include "matrix" and "array" fixing a bug where matrix-generic methods like unique() treated annmatrix like a vector. * 'stack(X)' now works without errors when X contains duplicated row names and/or duplicated column names. NEW FEATURES: * 'scale()' now preserves the annmatrix class. * 'rbind()' and 'cbind()' now preserve the annmatrix class and combine annotations. CHANGES: * annmatrix() constructor no longer tries to set celver annotation names when 'rann' and 'cann' arguments are passed as vectors. DOCUMENTATION: * Added information about return values for all .Rd files (as requested for submission to CRAN). INTERNAL: * Added unit tests for annmatrix constructor Version: 0.1.1 [2023-05-01] NEW FEATURES: * 'as.annmatrix()' converts various objects to 'annmatrix' (for now only works on matrices). * 'stack()' turns annmatrix object into a long format data frame. DOCUMENTATION: * Simplified the documentation of 'help(annmatrix)' by moving conversion and subsetting methods to another place. Version: 0.1.0 [2023-04-29] NEW FEATURES: * Created