% building this document: (in R) Sweave ("ctc.Rnw") \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \title{Amap Package} \author{Antoine Lucas} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to amap} %\VignettePackage{amap} \SweaveOpts{echo=FALSE} %\usepackage{a4wide} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Overview} {\tt Amap} package includes standard hierarchical clustering and k-means. We optimize implementation (with a parallelized hierarchical clustering) and allow the possibility of using different distances like Eulidean or Spearman (rank-based metric). We implement a principal component analysis (with robusts methods). \section{Usage} \subsection{Clustering} The standard way of building a hierarchical clustering: <>= library(amap) data(USArrests) h = hcluster(USArrests) plot(h) @ Or for the ``heatmap'': <>= heatmap(as.matrix(USArrests), hclustfun=hcluster, distfun=function(u){u}) @ On a multiprocessor computer: <>= h = hcluster(USArrests,nbproc=4) @ The K-means clustering: <>= Kmeans(USArrests,centers=3,method="correlation") @ \subsection{Robust tools} A robust variance computation: <>= data(lubisch) lubisch <- lubisch[,-c(1,8)] varrob(scale(lubisch),h=1) @ A robust principal component analysis: <>= p <- acpgen(lubisch,h1=1,h2=1/sqrt(2)) plot(p) @ Another robust pca: <>= p <- acprob(lubisch,h=4) plot(p) @ \section{See Also} Theses examples can be tested with command {\tt demo(amap)}.\\ \noindent All functions has got man pages, try {\tt help.start()}.\\ \noindent Robust tools has been published: \cite{caussinu+ruiz} and \cite{caussinu+ruiz2}. \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{amap} \end{document}