# aidar - Reading AIDA files into R This package allows to read histograms and tuples from AIDA files. The various objects from the file will be converted into R's dataframes. ## Installing the development version of aidar from github: (from ) install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) dev_mode(on=T) # switch to development mode (if you want) install_github("aidar", username="apfeiffer1") library(aidar) # now you can use the aidar library - see the "examples of usage" below # when finished do: dev_mode(on=F) # ... and you are back to having stable ggplot2 ## Examples of usage ### Listing the content of a file First use R's system tools to create the filename, for this example we use a gzip compressed XML file from the package: histoFile = system.file("inst", "data", "histos.xml.gz", package="aidar") If you want to use your own file, do not use this method, but rather specify the path to your file: histoFile = "/path/to/my/files/histos.xml.gz" We can list the content of the file via: info = getFileInfo(histoFile) print(info) You can of course also use a string as a file name, e.g. to use the file "myHistos.xml.gz" from the current working directory in your R session, do: info = getFileInfo("myHistos.xml.gz") print(info) ### Getting the annotation (summary info) of an object Now we can get the annotation of the object with the name "1" from the file: a1 = getAnnotation(histoFile, '1') ### Retrieve the content of a histogram (or other object) as a data.frame And that's how we get the (content of the) 1D histogram named '1' in the file into a R data-frame: h1 = getHisto1D(histoFile, '1') Similar for a tuple named '100' in the gzip-compressed XML file (this will take a few seconds): tupleFile = system.file("inst", "data", "tuple.xml.gz", package="aidar") aTup = getAnnotation(tupleFile, '100') t100 = getTuple(tupleFile, '100') ... and plot one of the tuple's columns: plot(t100$sin) ## Full list of functions available in the package The full list of methods available to retrieve AIDA objects and information about them are (replace `` and `` with your values, as usual): ### Information info = getFileInfo( ) ann = getAnnotation( , ) ### Retrieving objects as data.frames h1d = getHisto1D( , ) h2d = getHisto2D( , ) h3d = getHisto3D( , ) c1d = getCloud1D( , ) c2d = getCloud2D( , ) c3d = getCloud3D( , ) p1d = getProfile1D( , ) p2d = getProfile2D( , ) tup = getTuple( , )